
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Justice of the victors

23 Mar 2023

Talk of putting Vladimir Putin on trial in The Hague shows how the west is seeking the total defeat of Russia, writes Eddie Ford. But will president Xi come to the aid of his ‘dear friend’?

Voice of the revolution

16 Mar 2023

This appeal drawn up by comrades in Iran, calling for clear politics, organisation and solidarity, has attracted widespread support

Shifting interests and alignments

16 Mar 2023

The Saudi-Iran deal brokered by China is bad news for the US, but especially Israel, says Yassamine Mather

American death trip

16 Mar 2023

The war on drugs has been a horrendous failure. So, asks Daniel Lazare, why do governments remain hooked on repression?

Silent and supine

16 Mar 2023

Kevin Bean looks at the shameful official left and the split between Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell over the Ukraine war

Weapon-grade talks

09 Mar 2023

Tehran has adopted a conciliatory stance over uranium enrichment and severe punishment for those responsible for poisoning schoolgirls. Yassamine Mather reports

Now it’s Ukrainians

09 Mar 2023

The Nord Stream story continues to grow ever more complex and strange. Daniel Lazare attempts to cut through the confusion

Bakhmut is hell on earth

09 Mar 2023

Both sides seem determined to send ever greater numbers into the human meat-grinder. The battle owes more to symbolism than strategic calculation, writes Eddie Ford

Xi and John and Yoko

02 Mar 2023

China’s 12-point plan has not been welcomed in Washington, Brussels or Moscow. But, asks Paul Demarty, should communists join the pacifist camp?

Ohio’s perfect storm

02 Mar 2023

Daniel Lazare warns that, with Trump skilfully championing poor whites, with weak trade unions and a ‘left’ intent on tailing Biden, the danger of a rightwing dictatorship grows

Faults and mirrors

02 Mar 2023

The huge loss of life seen in the Turkey-Syria earthquakes can be directly traced back to the state’s bungled response, endemic corruption and clampdowns on the self-activity of progressive youth, writes Esen Uslu

Pahlavi has a bad day

23 Feb 2023

Yassamine Mather gives an update on the mixed fortunes of the Iranian exile right, the illusions of the soft ‘left’ and the shortcomings of the internal opposition

A study in betrayal

23 Feb 2023

The parliamentary ‘left’ is not only cowardly. Now, applauded by journalists like Owen Jones, a section of it is urging further military escalation. Talal Hangari looks at the sorry picture

Bellicose balloonacy

23 Feb 2023

Ludicrous allegations against China reveal a political system that is losing touch with rational thought, says Daniel Lazare

Notes on the war

23 Feb 2023

One year on, the talk is of a wider conflict, even a World War III. Jack Conrad looks at the geo-politics, the military situation and the inadequacies of the existing left

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