
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

'Lie number five: Iran is undemocratic'

01 Nov 2007

Extracts from Somaye Zadeh's speech, moving the main motion on Iran on behalf of Campaign Iran

Filling a political gap

01 Nov 2007

Yassamine Mather of Hopi spoke to Mark Fischer after the Stop the War Coalition conference

'Don't confuse the poor workers'

01 Nov 2007

At the STWC conference, Campaign Iran played the role of blatant apologist for the Iranian regime. Tina Becker takes a closer look

Friends of Tehran

01 Nov 2007

The annual conference of the Stop the War Coalition upheld the decision to exclude Hands Off the People of Iran and Communist Students. Mohsen Sabbagh reports

Lies and confusion

25 Oct 2007

After the exclusion of Hands Off the People of Iran campaign, along with Communist Students, from the Stop the War Coalition some quick-thinking members of the Socialist Workers Party decided to defend the expulsions on the social networking site, Facebook. Chris Strafford reports

Jack Conrad replies

25 Oct 2007

For principled solidarity

25 Oct 2007

Yassamine Mather of Hands Off the People of Iran points to the renewed imperialist threats but warns against the anti-imperialism of fools

Open letter to Andrew Murray

18 Oct 2007

From Yassamine Mather, Hands Off the People of Iran

Drawing the pro-Tehran line

18 Oct 2007

The rejection by the Stop the War Coalition of the affiliations of Hands Off the People of Iran and Communist Students represents a sharp political line being drawn as war on Iran looms, says Mark Fischer

Playing for high stakes

18 Oct 2007

Turkey's government is bringing a bill before the grand national assembly allowing the army to cross the border into Iraq for punitive expeditions. Esen Uslu reports

Boycotts and working class principle

11 Oct 2007

Mike Macnair outlines the tactics communists ought to adopt in relation to Israel

Orwellian experience

11 Oct 2007

Today British politicians shed crocodile tears over the repression of the Burmese regime, but the terror of Than Shwe cannot equal the brutality and arrogance endured by the Burmese people under British colonial rule from 1886 to 1948. Emily Branson comments

Rights and wrongs

04 Oct 2007

A boycott of Israeli academe should target institutions, not individuals, argues Moshe Machover

Ungreen American

04 Oct 2007

Environmentalists around the world were less than impressed by president George Bush's speech at the major economies' meeting on energy, security and climate change last week. Simon Wells comments

No imperialist intervention

04 Oct 2007

George Bush and Gordon Brown have been shedding crocodile tears over Burma. But should we demand that they intervene to sort things out? Jim Moody argues that the masses themselves are the solution

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