
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Tehran students defy arrest threats

06 Dec 2007

A communist student from Tehran reports on the December 4 student demonstrations

For a non-sectarian anti-war movement

06 Dec 2007

Mehdi Kia looks forward to Hopi's message gaining mass support

Sheffield solidarity

29 Nov 2007

Laurie McCauley reports on a Hopi meeting at Sheffield University

Labor left must develop platform for change

29 Nov 2007

Another member of Bush's 'coalition of the willing' has been unceremoniously dumped. Last weekend's Australian election marks an important turning point, writes Marcus Ström

Truth versus slurs

29 Nov 2007

On November 21 Hands Off the People of Iran held a successful launch meeting in Manchester despite sectarian attempts to undermine it from the Socialist Workers Party. Ken Browning reports

No to imperialist threats

29 Nov 2007

Yassamine Mather reports on the latest developments in Iran and calls for international solidarity

Fight on two fronts

22 Nov 2007

More than 200 people attended the November 17 conference, 'The first casualty: war, truth and the media today', reports Tina Becker. The SWP's apologetic position on Iran was very much present, as were journalists from the Iranian television channel, Press TV. But contributions from the floor were much more encouraging

Launch conference

22 Nov 2007

Hopi's launch conference will have a unique feature - it will actually be a conference, not a rally.

Advances in Ireland

22 Nov 2007

Hands Off the People of Iran in Ireland held a successful teach-in on November 10 in Dublin. Anne Mc Shane reports

Musharraf's gamble

08 Nov 2007

State of emergency in Pakistan: the left needs flexible tactics, says Jim Moody

HOPI - Meetings and events

08 Nov 2007

Not confused about Iran in Scotland

08 Nov 2007

Hands Off the People of Iran held a successful teach-in in Glasgow on November 3. Marcila Gharib reports

Lies cannot stop imperialists

08 Nov 2007

In her speech to the October 27 conference of the Stop the War Coalition, Somaye Zadeh of Campaign Iran tried to counter the imperialist lies about the Tehran regime with misinformation of her own. Yassamine Mather insists upon the truth

Ditch the strategic illusion

08 Nov 2007

Pro-Tehran apologetics in the Stop the War Coalition represents a kind of nostalgia for the 'anti-imperialist front', writes Mike Macnair

Why the witch-hunt?

01 Nov 2007

Cameron Richards examines why Hands Off the People of Iran and Communist Students have been made scapegoats

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