
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Turkey's action endangers region

28 Feb 2008

Kurdistan was, till now, the only stable part of Iraq. Turkey's military campaign has put an end to that and will trigger all manner of dangerous consequences, writes Esen Uslu

Hopi: support grows in Ireland

14 Feb 2008

Anne McShane was encouraged by a number of recent meetings on Iran

Apologetics and violence

07 Feb 2008

Chris Strafford reports on how the Iranian regime's supporters treat debate

Riddle of the headscarf

07 Feb 2008

Esen Uslu calls for a democratic working class programme to defeat both wings of the bourgeoisie

Defence of 'western interests'

31 Jan 2008

Hopi's Yassamine Mather trounces Nick Cohen in debate, reports Mark Fischer

Human lessons

24 Jan 2008

Tami Peterson reviews Zarah Ghahramani's 'My life as a traitor', Bloomsbury Publishing, pp256, £12.99. To be published on February 4

Political harassment

17 Jan 2008

Airport cops fail to prevent Hopi solidarity, writes Gerry Downing

Iran: No let up in US threats

17 Jan 2008

Problems facing the peoples of Iran and West Asia are rooted in the contradictions of 21st century world capitalism, says Yassamine Mather

Organise for March 15

17 Jan 2008

Hands Off the People of Iran focuses on campaigning in early 2008. Mark Fischer reports

Into the abyss as Bhutto mantle passes to son

17 Jan 2008

Jim Moody assesses the crisis in Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto's assassination

What regime, what alternative?

13 Dec 2007

Overview of the discussion over the motions proposed to conference

Debating the rules

13 Dec 2007

How Hopi's constitution was discussed

Sanctions: a form of 'soft' war and preparation for massive bombing

13 Dec 2007

December 8 saw the launch conference of Hands Off the People of Iran - an open and democratic anti-war campaign in solidarity with the peoples of Iran. Chris Strafford reports on this important conference

Specious unity

06 Dec 2007

Phil Kent reports from the December 1 World Against War conference

Tehran students defy arrest threats

06 Dec 2007

A communist student from Tehran reports on the December 4 student demonstrations

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