
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Anti-Semitism in anti-Zionist garb

15 Dec 2011

Tony Greenstein reviews Gilad Atzmon 'The wandering who?' Zero Books, 2011, pp203,

In the footsteps of Kropotkin

15 Dec 2011

How did self-declared anarchists come to support the Nato bombing of Libya? David Douglass reports

Embassy stunt backfires

08 Dec 2011

The attack on two diplomatic compounds was a gift to the imperialists, writes Yassamine Mather

Islamist election successes have lessons for left

08 Dec 2011

Socialists need to play the long game, argues James Turley

Out to roll back the revolution

01 Dec 2011

The military and the Muslim Brotherhood are only temporary allies, argues Eddie Ford

War on Iran has started

24 Nov 2011

Statement from Hands Off the People of Iran

Neglect and chauvinism

17 Nov 2011

The second Van earthquake has once again exposed the Turkish state's twisted priorities, writes Esen Uslu

State fault lines exposed

03 Nov 2011

Esen Uslu reports on the tremors that devastated Van province and examines the horrors perpetrated by official bureaucracy

An inconvenient execution

27 Oct 2011

The death of Gaddafi will not bring freedom to Libya, argues James Turley

Strange political symbiosis

20 Oct 2011

The US and the Iranian regime need each other, argues Yassamine Mather

Explaining the longevity of the theocratic regime

06 Oct 2011

It is riven with contradictions, corrupt, internationally isolated and opposed by the majority of its own people. Yet the Iranian regime survives. Yassamine Mather looks at the long history of struggle against the Islamic Republic

Zionist 'negotiating strategy' sham

29 Sep 2011

What does Mahmoud Abbas expect to achieve at the UN? Moshe Machover analyses the Palestinian bid for statehood

Double standards

15 Sep 2011

James Turley examines the atrocities in Basra

Batting and bowling for Iran's workers

15 Sep 2011

Ben Lewis took part in an annual event that has become a key part of the extremely important work done for Workers Fund Iran

Israel and Iran talk up threats

15 Sep 2011

Iran is keen to divert attention onto the 'foreign enemy', writes Yassamine Mather

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