
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Doing their job

08 Mar 2012

Tina Becker's speech to the 2012 STWC conference on behalf of the CPGB

Not our friend

08 Mar 2012

Cat Rylance's speech to the 2012 STWC conference on behalf of Communist Students

Imperialism before Lenin

08 Mar 2012

Mike Macnair reviews: Richard B Day and Daniel Gaido (editors and translators) Discovering imperialism: social democracy to World War I Brill 2012, Historical Materialism book series, Vol 33, pp951,

Syria: In imperialist sights

01 Mar 2012

With Syria in the sights of the imperialists and the bourgeois media, James Turley wonders where the Left and anti-war movement is.

Iran: all options remain on the table

01 Mar 2012

Rhetoric about Iran is all too reminiscent of the prelude to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, warns Ben Lewis

Hague claims mask new threats

23 Feb 2012

As the drums of war against Iran beat ever louder, Peter Manson takes a look at the latest remarks by the British foreign secretary.

Threats, opposition and solidarity

16 Feb 2012

On what basis should we mobilise against an attack on Iran? Not by calling a truce on our opposition to the Islamic regime, argues Yassamine Mather

Preparing for military action

16 Feb 2012

John McDonnell's speech to the February 11 meeting of Hands Off the People of Iran

Netanyahu's war wish

09 Feb 2012

The threat of a military provocation by Tel Aviv against Iran is very real, warns Israeli Marxist Moshé Machover

Opposing imperialism does not mean supporting oppression

02 Feb 2012

Anti-war protest disrupted by attack on supporters of the Iranian green movement. Ben Lewis reports

Normalised duplicity

02 Feb 2012

Yassamine Mather reviews new film A separation, directed by Asghar Farhadi, on general release.

Left Zionism exposed

26 Jan 2012

Leandros Fischer reviews 'False prophets of peace: liberal Zionism and the struggle', Tikva Honig-Parnassfor, Palestine Haymarket Books, 2011, pp264,

No war on Iran! For regime change from below!

26 Jan 2012

Make your voice heard against war and repression, urges Hands Off the People of Iran chair, Yassamine Mather

No room for anti-Semites

19 Jan 2012

Tony Greenstein looks ahead to this weekend's AGM of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Islamists courted by imperialists

19 Jan 2012

The Muslim Brotherhood has shown itself to be the biggest political force. Meanwhile the left is under attack. Yassamine Mather gives her impressions following a recent visit to Egypt

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