
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Behind the charitable mask

30 Mar 2017

Not only Theresa May, but Jeremy Corbyn too, have lent their support to an entirely bogus definition of anti-Semitism. This can only benefit Zionist outfits such as the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, writes Tony Greenstein

Mission Mars, or mission Earth?

23 Mar 2017

Donald Trump’s budget for Nasa contains no swingeing cuts. There will, though, be a change of focus - away from Earth and, instead, towards deep space and sending people to Mars. Jack Conrad says we would be well advised not to welcome such a hugely expensive diversion

Predictions amidst uncertainties

16 Mar 2017

Yassamine Mather looks behind the rhetoric of the ‘resistance economy’

True fake news

16 Mar 2017

Perhaps there is another agenda lurking behind Trump’s travel ban, muses Mike Macnair

Divisions over unity

09 Mar 2017

Squabbles in the British anti-Trump campaign say much about the forces involved, reckons Paul Demarty - and little of it good

Zionist attack on free speech

09 Mar 2017

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign must oppose bogus definitions of ‘anti-Semitism’, argues Tony Greenstein

At war with fourth estate

02 Mar 2017

The left needs more weapons in its armoury than street demonstrations, argues Paul Demarty

In Trump's sights

02 Mar 2017

Yassamine Mather reports on the formation of a ‘NATO’ type alliance against Iran

Burial of the two-state ‘solution’

23 Feb 2017

Netanyahu has been dealt a Trump card, affirms Moshé Machover

Deep opposition

23 Feb 2017

Who is out to get Donald Trump? Paul Demarty goes in search of the American deep state

Trump ups the ante

16 Feb 2017

The threat of military action against Iran is once more very much on the agenda, writes Yassamine Mather

It ain’t necessarily so

16 Feb 2017

Who fears ‘fake news’ - and what is their own relation to the truth? Paul Demarty pulls apart the current hysteria

Put not your trust in judges

16 Feb 2017

The fall of Michael Flynn involved not litigation, but threats of prosecution. But, if Trump is in fact brought down by the same scandal, it will not be leftwing litigation that does it, but the creation of a cross-party and inter-bureaucratic political coalition. And the result, if so, argues Howe Cheatem, will be president Pence and a new and rapid war drive

New times, new tasks

16 Feb 2017

Statement from Hands Off the People of Iran

Coming full circle

09 Feb 2017

Under Donald Trump the Iranian people are facing intensified sanctions and a real threat of war, writes Yassamine Mather

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