
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Class struggle or national war?

04 May 2017

Moshé Machover replies to Tony Greenstein

Failed recipes

27 Apr 2017

We must relearn the art of thinking strategically. Jack Conrad joins the debate on Israel-Palestine

Trump in transition

27 Apr 2017

Jim Creegan discusses how the bourgeoisie disabuses presidents and high officials of any notion that they are free agents

‘No’ - it’s not over yet!

20 Apr 2017

The AKP government is in crisis following the rigged referendum. Esen Uslu reports

All form, not much content

20 Apr 2017

Max Grierson reviews: Paul Beatty, 'The sellout', Oneworld Publications, 2016, pp289, £12.99

No self-determination

20 Apr 2017

The overthrow of Zionism is incompatible with a Hebrew nation, argues Tony Greenstein, in this reply to Moshé Machover

Playing dangerous games

20 Apr 2017

Donald Trump’s swaggering brinksmanship is a reminder of the fragility of the global order, argues Paul Demarty

Aiming to sideline ‘reformists’

13 Apr 2017

Tehran’s conservative factions are trying every trick in the book to oust Hassan Rouhani. Yassamine Mather reports on the build-up to the May 19 presidential elections

Stand up with us, Jeremy

13 Apr 2017

This open letter to Jeremy Corbyn protesting against the bogus ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was originally signed by 104 Labour Party members

Defend Livingstone against the witch-hunt

13 Apr 2017

The April 9 London Communist Forum featured two opening speakers. Each comrade took a particular angle on the ‘Anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ lie

What happened to ‘America first’?

13 Apr 2017

Establishment opinion has welcomed the new ‘sensible’ Donald Trump, who has acted ‘decisively’ on Syria. Eddie Ford reports

War is a real danger

06 Apr 2017

An open letter to all supporters of Hands Off the People of Iran

Labour’s Star Chamber

06 Apr 2017

Why do the witch-hunters refuse to deal with the content? Tony Greenstein comments on the Livingstone verdict

Understanding Khalid Masood

30 Mar 2017

We cannot explain atrocities like the Westminster attack through individual psychology, argues Paul Demarty

A watermen’s fight

30 Mar 2017

Esen Uslu reports on the pandemonium created by Erdoğan in the run-up to next month’s referendum

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