
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Principle, confusion and hope

11 Feb 2021

Having looked at the birth and early years of the guerrillaist left in her first article Yassamine Mather turns to the internal struggles within the Fedai

Handcuffed gates

11 Feb 2021

Students are resisting the academic cronies imposed on them by the Erdoğan regime. Esen Uslu reports

Bigger than January 6

11 Feb 2021

Donald Trump is now on trial before the Senate charged with inciting insurrection. Jack Conrad says the attempted self-coup began long before the January 6 storming of the Capitol

SUPPLEMENT: Three waves of protest

04 Feb 2021

Feelings of injustice, a lack of rights and a sense of betrayal have become universal and act as psychological and subjective drivers of protest, writes Ardeshir Mehrdad. But how can protest be forged into a movement than can topple the regime?

SUPPLEMENT: Limits of guerrillaism

04 Feb 2021

Mohamad Reza Shalgouni was a founder-member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar). He spoke to Yassamine Mather about his strategic reassessment as a prisoner of the shah and experience of the revolutionary years of 1978-79

SUPPLEMENT: Preparing for revolution

04 Feb 2021

Yassamine Mather says that the Siahkal incident 50 years ago marked a break with the passivity of ‘official communism’, but the guerrillaist left was hopelessly outmanoeuvred when it came to the reality of revolution in Iran

Poor man’s pivot

04 Feb 2021

The government’s decision to join an Asia-Pacific free trade area is not likely to provide much shelter from economic headwinds, argues Paul Demarty

The meaning of January 6

04 Feb 2021

A riot, a coup attempt or something in between? Daniel Lazare responds to three recently published articles in the Weekly Worker

Old regime is cracking apart

28 Jan 2021

Not a Tudor but a Whig republic. Bradley Mayer sees change coming sooner than many expect

Republicans at odds

28 Jan 2021

Following the events of January 6, Jim Creegan looks at the state of play within the Grand Old Party

Hispaniola shibboleth

21 Jan 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'The farming of bones' by Edwidge Danticat

Goodbye Donald Trump

21 Jan 2021

The January 6 failed coup is a symptom of decay. Even with a near $2 trillion rescue package the Biden administration is unlikely to revive the American dream, says Jack Conrad

One episode in long-term process

21 Jan 2021

Vladimir Putin cannot be blamed for America’s worst president ever. Daniel Lazare assesses the four turbulent years

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

A conservative revolution

14 Jan 2021

National sovereignty crystalised Gaelicism and late Victorian mores. Marc Mulholland argues, in his second article, that there was no transformation of popular consciousness

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