
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

End of internet anarchy

14 Jan 2021

Fallout from the Capitol invasion shows that pacification of social media is well underway, says Paul Demarty

Trump’s ‘march on Rome’

14 Jan 2021

The current US republic is heading towards an eventual downfall, contends Daniel Lazare

From copy to overtake

07 Jan 2021

China has taken a technological lead in quantum computing. Yassamine Mather says this could well impact on the military balance of power

Rear-view mirror

07 Jan 2021

Are we approaching the end of US hegemony? Daniel Lazare discusses Biden’s likely role, following the years of Obama and Trump

A guide for the perplexed

17 Dec 2020

The country faces a systemic crisis. Daniel Lazare argues that ‘Repocratic’ politics inevitably leads to chaos

Attack on right to report

17 Dec 2020

Bernard Mattson investigates the charges against Julian Assange and finds them wanting

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT II - A joint oppressor

10 Dec 2020

Left nationalists are in thrall to a bogus history, argues Jack Conrad. Scotland was not subject to an English takeover with the 1707 Act of Union. Nor does Scotland suffer from English cultural imperialism

Taste of things to come

10 Dec 2020

While its moon ventures are clearly symbolic, writes Eddie Ford, China’s technological advances and the likely US response should not be underestimated

Just as we predicted

10 Dec 2020

It is clear from Biden’s cabinet appointments that he will preside over totally incoherent policies, writes Daniel Lazare

Assassinations should be condemned

03 Dec 2020

Statement from Hands Off the People of Iran

Trump’s big win

03 Dec 2020

Joe Biden himself was a target when it came to the decision to kill Iran’s top nuclear scientist, writes Daniel Lazare

Star Wars posturing

26 Nov 2020

Boris Johnson’s plan to squander billions on the armed forces in order to extend Britain’s ‘global influence’ is fully supported by Starmer’s Labour Party, notes Eddie Ford

Invest one, harvest three

26 Nov 2020

Neo-Ottoman dreams cannot overcome imperialist realities, writes Esen Uslu

Back to the deal?

26 Nov 2020

Yassamine Mather looks at the likely developments with Biden in the White House

End in sight

26 Nov 2020

The wheels have fallen off Trump’s attempt to steal the election. Daniel Lazare grapples with the unwillingness of the GOP to move towards dictatorship and mass repression

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