
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Lawless mafia capo

16 Feb 2023

It was always obvious who was responsible for the Nord Stream 1 and 2 explosions. But why did the US do it? Daniel Lazare says it is about asserting control over energy

Ours but to build and die

16 Feb 2023

The horrendous devastation and thirty thousand deaths caused by the Turkey-Syria earthquake is also a symptom of social decay. Esen Uslu reports

Hanging on the old barbed wire

09 Feb 2023

Jim Moody reviews All quiet on the western front, directed by Edward Berger (general release, 2022)

Whose constituent assembly?

09 Feb 2023

As the stalemate between the Islamic Republic and the mass opposition movement continues, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, one of the leaders of the 2009 Green movement, has called for a constituent assembly. Yassamine Mather has translated this excerpt from an article by Torab Saleth which deals with the constituent assembly from a leftwing point of view

Resisting the incoming tide

09 Feb 2023

Daniel Lazare pours scorn on the House of Representatives’ utterly incoherent, but revealing, resolution condemning the ‘horrors of socialism’

Class, nation and religion

02 Feb 2023

These forty-one theses on the Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine were agreed by the CPGB membership aggregate in June 2011. Though obviously dated in this or that respect, the broad strategic outline remains all too relevant

Barking at the moon

02 Feb 2023

Ignoring the huge catalogue of articles, speeches and resolutions, Daniel Lazare accuses Moshé Machover and the CPGB of silence when it comes to class politics in the context of Israel-Palestine

Centrality of involvement

02 Feb 2023

In light of the mass upsurge in Iran sparked by protests against the hijab, Yassamine Mather asked Anne McShane to speak about the lessons of history, in particular the fight against bourgeois feminism in the Second International and the role of Bolshevik women in Russia

Social-imperialism is betrayal

02 Feb 2023

Joint statement

Oil workers join protests

26 Jan 2023

All manner of tiny cracks are opening up at the top levels of the theocracy. Yassamine Mather looks behind the often arcane disputes

Low stunts, high politics

26 Jan 2023

In the run-up to the May elections, the provocations of anti-Muslim rightwingers have been a godsend for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu

Fusion is no solution

26 Jan 2023

There has been much crowing over the recent breakthrough in nuclear technology. But Jack Conrad has his doubts about fusion being the ultimate terrestrial energy source

German Ostpolitik collapses

26 Jan 2023

What lies behind the furore over sending Leopard 2 tanks to the Ukraine battlefield? Something deeper is going on, writes Daniel Lazare

Not equality to compete

19 Jan 2023

Communists should demand special measures to protect women from capitalist exploitation, not ‘genuine equality’ in the workplace. Daniel Lazare investigates the Pump Act

The future is being made today

19 Jan 2023

Veteran Iranian socialist Ardeshir Mehrdad calls for class politics and the mobilisation of the lower depths of society

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