
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

In the hands of the courts

09 Feb 2017

The judiciary is playing a significant role in shaping Italian politics, reports Toby Abse

Will France be next?

09 Feb 2017

As the ruling circles take in the election of a right-populist US president, Paul Demarty looks at the rightwing threat within Europe

Economic cold war looms

02 Feb 2017

Theresa May wants to cuddle up to Trump, writes Eddie Ford, but EU leaders are horrified

Zionism cannot be appeased

02 Feb 2017

Jon Lansman’s coup was an act of desperation. No credibility should be given to his imposed constitution, argues Tony Greenstein

Fight back - but for what?

02 Feb 2017

The left in Momentum is organising a ‘networking conference’ on March 11, writes Carla Roberts

Proof of US-inspired terror

26 Jan 2017

Toby Abse reviews: Paolo Bolognesi (ed) Alto tradimento Castelvecchi, Rome, 2016, €18.50

The new president and the new global order

26 Jan 2017

What if Trumpism was made to serve the aims of US capital? Mike Macnair speculates

What kind of oppression?

26 Jan 2017

Peter Manson reports on presidential rivals, changing political alliances and apartheid’s ongoing legacy

Whole new ball game

26 Jan 2017

The government insists that it will stick to its Brexit timetable come hell or high water, writes Eddie Ford

Trump threatens N-deal

26 Jan 2017

It is time to reboot Hands Off the People of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather

Stay and fight the battle of ideas

19 Jan 2017

Despite widespread outrage over the Lansman coup, there is little appetite to split Momentum, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Reason in revolt

19 Jan 2017

Lawrence Parker reviews: Paul Flewers and John McIlroy (editors) 1956: John Saville, EP Thompson and The Reasoner Merlin Press, 2016, pp450, £20.

Rasputin and Little Red Riding Hood

19 Jan 2017

Claims that the Five Star Movement is some kind of leftwing formation have been well and truly exposed, writes Toby Abse

Deal or no deal?

19 Jan 2017

Theresa May feels forced, despite herself, to go for a ‘clean’ Brexit, argues Eddie Ford

Revolution and counterrevolution

19 Jan 2017

In this article, based on a presentation to Communist University 2016, Kevin Bean examines the subjective and objective factors that prevented the development of a powerful working class republicanism in Ireland

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