
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Kemalists seize the moment

13 Jul 2017

‘Justice’ march wrong-footed the mainstream left, writes Esen Uslu

New horrors beckon

13 Jul 2017

What will follow the ‘liberation’ of Mosul? Yassamine Mather is not optimistic

Big Meeting gets bigger

06 Jul 2017

The 133rd Durham Miners’ Gala this Saturday will see some 150,000 march through the ancient city. Davie Douglass looks at the history and the ongoing significance

Racists and Islamophobes

06 Jul 2017

Following the triumph of the right in last month’s local elections, writes Toby Abse, the left appears more and more isolated

The Corbyn phenomenon

06 Jul 2017

It is important to know where we are and where we are going, argues Tony Greenstein

An unsavoury alliance

06 Jul 2017

‘Regime change from above’ cannot be ruled out, writes Yassamine Mather

A new generation

06 Jul 2017

After Saturday’s inspiring demonstration, Peter Manson asks what the next steps should be

Now let’s crush the Blairites

06 Jul 2017

There is a greater opportunity than ever to break the grip of the right, argues Paul Demarty

Macron’s crushing majority

22 Jun 2017

Despite the poor performance of the left René Gimpel expects militant action

Grillo and M5S humiliated

22 Jun 2017

Toby Abse examines the first round of the local elections and the return to the main parties

Three-minute slots

22 Jun 2017

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on a less than inspiring meeting

Fire in Babylon

22 Jun 2017

This is a disaster that results from decades of misrule, argues Paul Demarty

Capital in disarray

22 Jun 2017

The UK economy is set to enter a period of recession, argues Michael Roberts

Parallel campaign delivers win

15 Jun 2017

One the greatest upsets of the election took place in Sheffield Hallam, where a pro-Corbyn candidate defeated Nick Clegg. Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports

May’s fatal miscalculation

15 Jun 2017

Corbyn must press home his advantage after June 8, urges Tony Greenstein

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