
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer man

15 Feb 2018

Jeremy Newmark, the ‘ideal representative’ of the Jewish Labour Movement, stands accused of all manner of wrongdoing. Tony Greenstein calls on the Labour Party to act

Why revive a stinking corpse?

15 Feb 2018

Jack Conrad questions the worth of the ‘Labour4Clause4’ campaign being promoted by Socialist Appeal. Instead of fostering illusions in Fabian socialism, surely the task of Marxists is to win the Labour Party to Marxist socialism

When chickens come home

15 Feb 2018

Jeremy Newmark is in trouble, Ann Black has been dropped and AWL members have been declared ‘unwelcome’, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Italy: Democratic Party left up in arms

08 Feb 2018

Matteo Renzi’s purge is unlikely to halt his party’s decline, argues Toby Abse

Zuma on the brink

08 Feb 2018

Cyril Ramaphosa now looks set to become president a year earlier than scheduled, writes Peter Manson

21st century global reality

08 Feb 2018

Eddie Ford looks at the growing Tory infighting over Brexit

Criticism is not abuse

08 Feb 2018

Carla Roberts takes issue with proposals to outlaw 'abuse' of MPs

NEC readmits leftwingers

08 Feb 2018

But hopes that this might mark the beginning of the end of the witch-hunt could be premature, warns Carla Roberts

Corbynmania and the SPD

01 Feb 2018

Emma Rees and other Momentum employees have been sent to Berlin to help the German youth wing oppose the latest grand coalition, writes Susanne Holstein

Counting the costs

01 Feb 2018

For all their anti-western slogans, there is nothing ‘radical’ in any of the Tehran regime factions, writes Yassamine Mather

Being black is their only crime

01 Feb 2018

Thousands of Israelis are attempting to stop the deportation of African refugees, reports Tony Greenstein

Are you listening, Theresa?

01 Feb 2018

Eddie Ford looks at the latest blue-on-blue manoeuvrings and jockeying for power

End the witch hunt

25 Jan 2018

Stan Keable, secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt, reports on a successful lobby of Labour’s NEC

Parallel dead ends

25 Jan 2018

Peter Manson reviews: Ronnie Kasrils, A simple man: Kasrils and the Zuma enigma Auckland Park 2017, pp283, £16.19 and Dale McKinley, South Africa’s corporatised liberation Auckland Park 2017, pp198, £14.95

Hard, soft or no Brexit?

25 Jan 2018

The working class needs a strategy that tails neither big capital nor backward-looking politicians, argues Jack Conrad

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