
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Fall of the house of Osamor

06 Dec 2018

Kate Osamor’s resignation is a symptom of more serious political sicknesses, argues Jim Grant

Zionists in the Labour Party, unite!

06 Dec 2018

Momentum and the JLM have teamed up to take on David Icke, why bother says Carla Roberts

Civil war far from over

06 Dec 2018

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on LAW’s membership meeting

Left tails of liberal bourgeoisie

29 Nov 2018

He who pays the AEIP piper calls the AEIP tune, says Jack Conrad

No cross-class coalition

29 Nov 2018

The move for a special Labour conference on a ‘People’s Vote’ is designed to smooth the path to a national government, warns Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Immigration: ignoring the problem

29 Nov 2018

Fighting for open borders means facing up to the reality of mass migration, argues Paul Demarty

Politics of the street

29 Nov 2018

The Ukip leader’s embrace of Tommy Robinson shows how the ‘great Brexit betrayal’ could lead to the growth of a populist far-right movement in Britain, writes Eddie Ford

IHRA and free speech

29 Nov 2018

Both Zionists and the British far right want to make criticism of Israel unacceptable, reports Tony Greenstein

New stage of Brexit politics

29 Nov 2018

In or out of the EU, argues Mike Macnair, we need a united workers’ movement on a European scale

Disappearing the welfare state

22 Nov 2018

Even that den of thieves, the United Nations, recognises the suffering imposed on the working class by the politics of austerity, writes Eddie Ford

Free-trade tailism

22 Nov 2018

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has enlisted a clipped version of Marx and Engels to serve its political agenda. In the first of two articles Mike Macnair looks at the claims of free trade and protectionism

Science, health and profit

22 Nov 2018

Exaggerated claims for artificial intelligence are being used to further the government’s agenda of privatised healthcare, says James Linney

May's numbers don't add up

22 Nov 2018

Escape from a no-confidence vote in the Tory Party will not save Theresa May’s Brexit plans, writes Paul Demarty - hence the renewed talk of a national government

Anti-Zionism and self-censorship

15 Nov 2018

The witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn and the left is still in full swing - and spreading across society, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Support the Socialist View slate

15 Nov 2018

Peter Manson looks at the rift that has opened up in the Left Unity faction of PCS

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