
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Will the euro survive?

24 Jan 2019

Michael Roberts looks back at the last 20 years and predicts a rocky future

Stalinophiles and ignoramuses

24 Jan 2019

Rex Dunn examines a selection of fiction that deals with Stalinism and anti-Stalinism

Left high and dry

24 Jan 2019

Dave Vincent gives his take on the forthcoming election for assistant general secretary

National government real danger

24 Jan 2019

With Theresa May paralysed, neoliberal MPs are preparing to ‘take back control’. Paul Demarty looks at Britain’s unfolding constitutional crisis

Socialism and the national question

17 Jan 2019

Genuine liberation for Palestinians and Israelis alike must be seen in the context of an Arab and global revolution, argues David Markovich

Preparing the final assault

17 Jan 2019

James Linney examines the fraud that is NHS England’s ‘long-term plan’

Our rights threatened too

17 Jan 2019

Although Britain’s far-right yellow vests are an obnoxious assortment of racists, xenophobes and odd-balls, we must defend their right to protest, says Eddie Ford

The enigmatic gilets-jaunes

17 Jan 2019

How should Marxists respond to the gilets jaunes? Mike Macnair looks at the likely winners and losers

Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt: another witch-hunt victim

17 Jan 2019

NEC refuses to endorse Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt in South Thanet, writes Carla Roberts

May's deal is dead as a dodo

17 Jan 2019

Paul Demarty asks what comes next after the crushing rejection of May’s Brexit deal by the Commons

Thinking the unthinkable

10 Jan 2019

With time running out, Theresa May is surely approaching the end game, writes Eddie Ford

Limping towards the cliff-edge

20 Dec 2018

The government holds together for now - but the problems of Brexit will prove inescapable, reckons Paul Demarty

Slaughtering sheep and unicorns

20 Dec 2018

Calls for a ‘people’s vote’ and a ‘coalition of reasonable minds’ are demands for a national government, writes Eddie Ford

Far-right rising: time to rethink

13 Dec 2018

Exaggerating our numbers and claiming non-existent victories does not strengthen us, writes Tony Greenstein. It leads to complacency

May survives ... for the moment

13 Dec 2018

She might have won a vote of confidence, but the UK faces a full-blown constitutional crisis, reckons Paul Demarty

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