
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Halewood looks to dockers

30 Jan 1997

Revolutionary challenge to Ken Livingstone

30 Jan 1997

Members of Socialist Labour’s West London branch living in Brent met last week to set up a constituency branch and make plans for the general election. They sent out this press statement

Stockport’s EPSR sectarians defeated

30 Jan 1997

The witch hunting homophobes that make up the Economic and Philosophical Science Review have attempted to hijack Stockport SLP branch for their own narrow, sectarian project. The other members in Stockport called a full branch meeting to halt the witch hunting and remove Roy Bull, the EPSR leader, from the chair. To date no reply has been received from the NEC as to the status of Stockport branch and the motions carried at that meeting

Scotland school

30 Jan 1997

Party notes

Arms training for whose army?

30 Jan 1997

Portillo claims guns are safe in his hands

POWs killed by Labour and Tory

23 Jan 1997

Terry O hEarcain (from the Irish Republican Socialist Party) and Tom Ball give their views on the film ‘Some mother’s son’ and the impact it has today

USSR: state capital?

23 Jan 1997

Darren Wade of the Revolutionary Democratic Group takes up the question of the Soviet Union

Government in retreat

23 Jan 1997

Taking on the state

Consolidate support

23 Jan 1997

Ford workers need European unity

23 Jan 1997

Liverpool: worldwide boycott grows

23 Jan 1997

Swedish dockers join the picket

SNP loyal subjects

23 Jan 1997

SSA postpones conference

23 Jan 1997

A vision beyond capitalism

16 Jan 1997

As the Liverpool dockers prepared for an international day of action on Monday January 20, Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Dockers Shops Stewards’ Committee and Socialist Labour Party member, about the need for working class political organisation

Sovereign Scottish assembly or federal republic?

16 Jan 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) comments on the welcome shift in the policy of Workers Power

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