

Sun shines for Blair

Given New Labour’s determined wooing of the capitalist hierarchy and rightwing opinion in general, it does not come as much of a surprise that The Sun is the latest to add its weight to the election of a viciously anti-working class Labour government.

Nevertheless it should be a stark warning to every working class voter. The Sun was a cheerleader for Thatcher’s union bashing and loyal Tory for 20 years. Now it is clear that this work can be continued better under Labour.

“It is a momentous decision which we have not taken lightly because we still have reservations about some of New Labour’s policies. But for all the Tories’ achievements of the past 18 years, they no longer deserve our support.

“They are tired, divided and rudderless. They need a rest and so does the country. Blair is the breath of fresh air this great country needs” (The Sun Tuesday March 18).

The paper goes on to ridicule Thatcher’s “last-ditch bid to keep alive Tory hopes of a record fifth term”, to give Blair’s message to its readers, to praise Cherie’s new dress sense and to point out that Labour is mounting a fundraising drive, since “John Major goes into battle with a £26 million election fighting fund - more than twice the amount Labour has in its war chest”.

In reading ‘The Sun speaks its mind’ on pages 6 and 7, you could easily be reading those on the left who rally workers to vote Labour ‘with no illusions’ as the lesser of two evils - the Socialist Workers Party being just the biggest example. For months now it has been telling us that Labour’s move to the right would only damage its election prospects. Now New Labour has the biggest selling newspaper behind it and Socialist Worker loyally attempting to deliver the votes of the working class and the left, whatever Blair may say. A win-win situation for Blair.

“We see a party which calls itself New Labour but hasn’t produced many New Ideas to match.

“It offers hope to those who are disillusioned with the health service, with education, with the lack of jobs for young people. But it does so while promising to do exactly what the Tories have done by keeping down taxes, borrowing and spending.

The Sun has not fallen in love with Blair and New Labour ... Labour say they have changed. They say they are fit to govern. So let’s give them the chance to prove it” (bid).

The Sun is clear that capitalism will be as safe in Labour’s hands as in the Tories’. The working class is clear that in this election it is choosing the butcher. It expects little else from Labour. Those on the left who continue to call for a vote for Labour only expose their own cowardice and absolute impotence in the class struggle. New Labour and The Sun will continue to hold political hegemony until the working class makes its own voice heard.

Helen Ellis