
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Scottish Militant Labour: from Labour to SNP?

03 Apr 1997

Having broken with Labour does SML now want to find a home as the left wing of Scottish nationalism?

Republicanism or the right to secede?

03 Apr 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) argues that a boycott campaign must unite republicans

Wishing rebellion red

03 Apr 1997

From sop parliament to republic?

03 Apr 1997

Anne Murphy interviewed Sean Clerkin, Scottish Socialist Alliance candidate in Paisley South about the campaign against the cuts there and his views on the national question

Still voting Labour

03 Apr 1997

Celebrating our struggles

03 Apr 1997

Significant silences

03 Apr 1997

Party notes

Communist election manifesto launched

03 Apr 1997

As Blair turns on the unions the CPGB launches its election fight for what workers need

Choosing the executioner

27 Mar 1997

No to Labour’s sop! Self-determination, nothing less!

27 Mar 1997

Join the Committee for Self-Determination

Champions of pessimism

27 Mar 1997

Should revolutionaries fight Labourism in the ballot box?

Chipping away at Labour illusions

27 Mar 1997

Dave Nellist was a Labour MP from 1983 to 1991, when he was expelled from the Labour Party in the anti-Militant witch hunt, but remained in parliament until his defeat in the 1992 general election. Today he is a member of the Socialist Party’s national committee and will be contesting Coventry South on May 1. Peter Manson spoke to him

Red flag raised against Blair

27 Mar 1997

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Brian Gibson, who is the SLP candidate in Sedgefield, County Durham, standing against Tony Blair. He is a long-standing trade unionist, a member of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union in the area and was a Labour Party member until expelled in 1988

Shifting sands of SWP Labourism

27 Mar 1997

SML and the opportunist art of the possible

27 Mar 1997

Debate in the Scottish Socialist Alliance on what attitude to take on Blair’s ‘rigged referendum’ has exposed SML’s dangerous opportunist method

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