
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Cameron embarrassed by Essex fightback

17 Apr 1997

Where’s the left?

17 Apr 1997

Labour safe for capitalism

Dishonest silence

17 Apr 1997

Socialist Party: ‘Faith in working people’

17 Apr 1997

In Peckham, south London both the Socialist Party and the Socialist Labour Party are standing against Labour’s Harriet Harman. We tried to talk to SLP candidate Angela Ruddock but Peckham branch secretary Ann Goss told us her branch would not speak to us. Lee-Anne Bates therefore spoke to SP candidate Joan Barker about the campaign

SLP election launch in Manchester

17 Apr 1997

Seeds of resistance

17 Apr 1997

Socialist challenge to capitalist manifestos

10 Apr 1997

Vote for a working class alternative

The call for an active boycott

10 Apr 1997

Scottish Militant Labour supports Blair’s parish council

Private debate on independence

10 Apr 1997

No illusions in parliament

10 Apr 1997

Wilhelm Liebknecht, the great German working class leader and contemporary of Marx and Engels, delivered this speech on May 31 1869 to a workingmen’s association meeting in Berlin

Sellout to Labour

10 Apr 1997

Sop parliament and nationalism

10 Apr 1997

Philip Stott, leading member of Scottish Militant Labour, told Nick Clarke about the organisation’s new stance

Cosmetic exercise

10 Apr 1997

Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Docks Shop Stewards’ Committee, told us about the proposed labour supply company

More Bullite rantings from Royston

10 Apr 1997

Liverpool dockers set Morris straight

10 Apr 1997

The Liverpool dockers respond to Bill Morris’s article, ‘Setting the record straight’, published in the TGWU Record (February/March 1997)

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