
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Russia in crisis

03 Sep 1998

Worldwide recession looms

Delegation to Scotland

27 Aug 1998

Documents from the Socialist Party’s Members Bulletin July 1998

For the Irish working class

27 Aug 1998

IRSP statement

‘Time to silence guns’

27 Aug 1998

INLA ceasefire declaration

Economic struggle above democracy

27 Aug 1998

Ian Donovan of Revolution and Truth replies to ‘Trotskyite economism or revolutionary democracy?’ (Weekly Worker July 30)

The fantasy world of Dave Craig

27 Aug 1998

Scottish Socialist Alliance

New strategy: INLA calls ‘complete ceasefire’

27 Aug 1998

The peace bandwagon is gaining momentum. The response of communists and revolutionaries will be crucial

Anti-working class sham

20 Aug 1998

State rushes to cover up its sponsored terrorism

Under the censor’s knife

20 Aug 1998

Groping towards a theory

20 Aug 1998

Jack Conrad reviews 'The fate of the Russian Revolution Vol 1', edited by Sean Matgamna (London 1998, pp603, £16.99)

Congress farce

20 Aug 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Communist University ’98

20 Aug 1998

Party notes

Turning point - Omagh bomb boosts Sinn Féin

20 Aug 1998

Last Saturday’s Real IRA bomb, despite outward appearances, marked a definitive break with the republican strategy of armed resistance to the British imperialist occupation of the Six Counties

One-sided analysis

30 Jul 1998

Steve Riley of Manchester CPGB takes issue with Jack Conrad on the Soviet Union

CPGB shitespeak

30 Jul 1998

Mark Osborn of the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty replies to Don Preston’s criticisms (Weekly Worker July 16)

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