
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Slow death of Cuban 'socialism'

23 Sep 2010

The capitalist road is the only one open to an isolated Cuba, writes James Turley

Diane Abbott: class matters

23 Sep 2010

We must draw lines of demarcation

Strike back against the empire

16 Sep 2010

Place newspapers in the hands of journalists and printworkers, demands James Turley

Build on TUC anti-cuts vote

16 Sep 2010

Jim Gilbert recognises a task for the whole movement

Light and air of political freedom

16 Sep 2010

North American scholar Lars T Lih explores the varying attitude of Marxists towards universal suffrage, freedom of the press and freedom of association

No vote for Abbott

16 Sep 2010

Eleven CPGB comrades dissent

Debating the Labour leadership contest

16 Sep 2010

Opposition to the CPGB call to give a critical vote for Diane Abbott is based on leftist abstentionism, argues Peter Manson

Trouble in the fourth estate

09 Sep 2010

Murdoch, Coulson, et al are being handled with kid gloves, writes James Turley

Class, blackened faces, and academic muddle

09 Sep 2010

David Douglass reviews Hester Barron's 'The 1926 miners' lockout: meanings of community in the Durham coalfield' Oxford, 2009, pp314, £65

Blair's liberalism and the toxic Gordon Brown

09 Sep 2010

In the last analysis Tony Blair and Gordon Brown had different political projects, argues Eddie Ford

Vote preference one for Abbott ... and fuck warmongering ex-ministers

09 Sep 2010

In the ballot for Labour Party leader, which closes on September 22, the CPGB calls for critical support for Diane Abbott, no support for the four ex-ministers and the expulsion of all coalition collaborators. Alex John argues the case

They weren't all scabs

02 Sep 2010

David Douglass reviews Keith Stanley's 'Nottingham miners do strike' Nottingham Area NUM, pp124, £7

Break with ANC popular front

02 Sep 2010

The public sector strike victory has been won despite, not because of, the SACP, writes Peter Manson

Malevolent conspirator

26 Aug 2010

Toby Abse condemns the architect of the 'strategy of tension'

Leftist dogma and exaggerated threats

26 Aug 2010

The EDL did not turn up to disrupt an SWP event after all, reports Maciej Zurowski

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