
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

A delicate moment

18 Apr 2019

Capital’s major financial institutions are warning of the likelihood of another global recession, notes Michael Roberts

Growth across the world slows further and further

28 Mar 2019

Despite predictions to the contrary, says Michael Roberts, the long depression is still very much with us

Deadly cost of austerity

21 Mar 2019

James Linney asks what the fall in life expectancy tells us about the state of capitalism in 2019

Chartalism and Marxism

08 Feb 2019

Proponents of ‘modern monetary theory’ serve to mislead and divert the labour movement, argues Michael Roberts

Marx’s theory of value

31 Jan 2019

Far from being natural, value is characteristic of commodity production and capitalism, its most developed form. John Bridge upholds Marxist orthodoxy

Subjective and objective value

17 Jan 2019

Arthur Bough insists that value is labour and has therefore existed in every form of society

Working class trade policy

20 Dec 2018

Mike Macnair concludes his series on ‘free trade’ by looking at the positive alternative

Supply and demand quandary

13 Dec 2018

Both neoclassical and Keynesian economics have got it wrong, writes Michael Roberts

Free-trade illusions

13 Dec 2018

Mike Macnair continues his argument against tailing the liberals

Trade, tariffs and financial stability

06 Dec 2018

According to the Federal Reserve, writes Michael Roberts, the risk of another recession is no longer ‘negligible’

Free-trade tailism

22 Nov 2018

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has enlisted a clipped version of Marx and Engels to serve its political agenda. In the first of two articles Mike Macnair looks at the claims of free trade and protectionism

Marx’s formulae confirmed

08 Nov 2018

Michael Roberts looks at the latest figures on the US rate of profit

Universal credit: designed to punish undeserving poor

18 Oct 2018

Rollout of the new benefit is widely recognised as being in chaos, and the immediate answer lies in breaking with the politics of austerity, writes Eddie Ford

Regulation does not work

11 Oct 2018

We need ownership and control of the banks, argues Michael Roberts

More momentum on the banks

04 Oct 2018

Real measures to control finance are needed, argues Michael Roberts

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