
Imperialism & War > What is imperialism?

No way back for warmongers

03 Dec 2009

Mike Macnair addressed the Hopi AGM on the continued threat of war. US imperialism has a new face, but when it comes to foreign policy it is business as usual

A culture of apology

08 Feb 2024

David Miller is worth more than the whole pack of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs put together. Apologising makes you complicit, but taking a stand brings vindication, writes Eddie Ford

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

23 Nov 2023

In the first of three articles, Jack Conrad looks at the origins, evolution and current reality of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain, Egypt and internationally

Aim for deZionisation

16 Nov 2023

Israel is a work colony based on an ideology of blood and soil. Mike Macnair gets to grips with the logic and history of ethnic cleansing and expansionism

What happened to solidarity?

02 Nov 2023

Anne McShane celebrates the fellow feeling with the Palestinians and notes the drift of Sinn Féin into the mainstream pro-Israel consensus

Week in the hall of mirrors

19 Oct 2023

Reporting of Israel’s assault on Gaza provides an object lesson in how the bourgeois media works, argues Paul Demarty

Part of the western order

12 Oct 2023

Yassamine Mather is not celebrating the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize won by Narges Mohammadi, a liberal but brave human rights activist. She is being cynically used as part of the ideological preparations for a military attack on Iran

Oppression breeds resistance

12 Oct 2023

A revolt of the hopeless by the hopeless for the hopeless. Moshé Machover explores the background to the predictable Hamas attack on Israel and the likely consequences

Marxism still the most compelling

14 Sep 2023

Decline of US dominance, the rise of China and a lot of hype. Michael Roberts reports on a recent conference of left economists

Beyond our repair

14 Sep 2023

Chattel slavery’s damage is done, argues Paul Demarty, so communists should fight for a better future, not redress for past injuries

Meanwhile the economic war

27 Jul 2023

Ending the Black Sea grain corridor has put Erdoğan’s government under intense diplomatic pressure, writes Esen Uslu

Enemies of the people

06 Jul 2023

Kevin Bean asks why delays, objections and challenges to the Illegal Migration Bill are far from unwelcome to the Tories

Notes on the war

08 Jun 2023

With Kyiv’s long-trailed military offensive now seemingly underway, Jack Conrad warns that we should still expect a prolonged, bitter war of attrition and eventually a US attempt to encircle and strangle China

From order to chaos

23 Mar 2023

Why has so much of the left collapsed into social-imperialism? Why the continued illusions in US intervention? Mike Macnair talked to Hands off the People of Iran in a meeting hosted by Yassamine Mather

Imperialist Russia?

08 Sep 2022

The Morning Star and Communist Review are locked into a debate on whether or not the Russian Federation should be characterised as an imperialist power. Mike Macnair investigates the protagonists and their arguments

Assessing Putin’s gamble

21 Apr 2022

Mike Macnair critiques the idea, common amongst social-imperialists and social-pacifists alike, that modern Russia is a full-blown imperialist power

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