
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Balkans war unites internationalists

22 Apr 1999

For revolutionary defeatism

08 Apr 1999

Nato out of the Balkans! Independence for Kosova!

Arms compromise

08 Apr 1999

Irish peace process

Hands off Kosova and Serbia

25 Mar 1999

Independence for Kosova - imperialism out of the Balkans

Defeatism or Defencism

11 Feb 1999

The CPGB’s refusal to ‘defend Iraq’ is no error. Jack Conrad replies to James Paris of the Marxist Workers’ Group

Irish peace in deadlock

11 Feb 1999

As Trimble and Adams go to the brink, anti-imperialists need a new strategy

Reject Nato ultimatum

04 Feb 1999

Kosovar people demand independence

Mistaken position

04 Feb 1999

James Paris of the US Marxist Workers’ Group argues that the CPGB’s refusal to “defend Iraq” is an error that can be corrected

Independence for Kosova

28 Jan 1999

For the KLA - against the Serbian army

Hands off Iraq!

17 Dec 1998

New strategy for Ireland

17 Dec 1998

The IRA refusal to hand over arms does not mean the failure of the peace process

Kosova stitch-up

15 Oct 1998

Imperialist ‘peace’ overrides national rights

Independence for Kosova

08 Oct 1998

Oppose Serb repression and imperialist strikes

Anti-imperialists marginalised

10 Sep 1998

As the British and Irish states take on yet more draconian powers, the momentum of the peace process continues to accelerate

New attack on democracy

03 Sep 1998

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