
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Let’s talk about divorce

14 Jul 2022

Does Biden’s lame response to the Supreme Court mark the end of the line for the DSA’s strategic reliance on the Democrats? Daniel Lazare argues for a break

Yet another failure

07 Jul 2022

Ibrahim Raisi’s government faces major challenges - not least the Doha talks over a possible nuclear deal. Yassamine Mather reports on the latest negotiations and the growing swell of internal economic protests

Game of fortunes

07 Jul 2022

Erdoğan is trying to divert attention from his shambolic handling of the economy by picking all manner of foreign fights. Esen Uslu reports

Flippy and ghost work

07 Jul 2022

Automation sees low-skilled workers replaced, but there are many unintended consequences. Only the replacement of the profit motive would allow automation to deliver real human benefits, argues Michael Roberts

Democracy in America?

30 Jun 2022

The latest attack on abortion rights shows the danger of worshipping the constitution, writes Daniel Lazare

The party question is key

30 Jun 2022

After the Supreme Court ruling, the left is debating strategy and tactics. But the key must be establishing a party and the best place to begin is breaking the DSA from the liberal wing of the bourgeoisie, argues Matthew Strupp of the Marxist Unity Group

On a collision course

23 Jun 2022

Daniel Lazare reviews 'The avoidable war: the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China' by Kevin Rudd (PublicAffairs Books, 2022, pp432, £17)

A no deal or a deal

23 Jun 2022

Yassamine Mather looks at the cyber attacks, assassinations and airstrikes and the danger of an all-out war if the nuclear negotiations finally fail

Experience and expectations

23 Jun 2022

Especially in light of the challenges of Nato’s proxy war, there needs to be a push for the unity of the Marxist left in a party project. James Harvey reports

Revisiting January 6

16 Jun 2022

Hearings into the failed coup bid are all very well and good, says Daniel Lazare. But there is more to the breakdown of the political system than Donald Trump

Deaths, deals and demonstrations

09 Jun 2022

There are growing mass protests, but very little, if anything, in the way of conscious organisation. Under these contradictory circumstances the left must avoid the temptation of giving up on basic anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist principles, insists Yassamine Mather

Guns are not the problem

09 Jun 2022

Abolishing the second amendment would require a civil war and leave the state with a monopoly when it comes to the right to bear arms. Mike Macnair sees no reason why we should trust the capitalist courts, army and police

Guns, class and social decay

09 Jun 2022

After the Uvalde school massacre the question of gun control has once again topped the political agenda. But, argues Daniel Lazare, do not expect anything much to change

All about press freedom

26 May 2022

The case of Julian Assange represents the most dangerous and concerted attack on journalism and freedom of the press in over a century, says Tony Greenstein

About-turn at the top

19 May 2022

While Democrats stampede to back the war, writes Daniel Lazare, it is the Republican right which is now anti-war

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