
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Great American breakdown

12 Jan 2023

As far-right control of the US Congress promises slash-and-burn austerity, Daniel Lazare calls for rejection of the existing constitution and a constituent assembly to establish a real democracy

Crime of victimless crime

15 Dec 2022

The harsh treatment meted out to Brittney Griner gives us a glimpse of the human cost of the so-called war on drugs. Daniel Lazare looks at five decades of horror

Principled partyist strategy

08 Dec 2022

Four out of five House ‘socialists’ scabbed. Parker McQueeney of the Marxist Unity Group brings to light the deep divisions within the DSA revealed by the recent railworkers disputes

A wave that really happened

24 Nov 2022

Donald Trump has announced his candidacy and the Republican right is getting ready to investigate the president’s son. Daniel Lazare expects the results to be interesting

Widespread and larger

24 Nov 2022

Splits are widening at the top, the protests are continuing to grow, but there are still illusions in US-sponsored regime change. Yassamine Mather comments

Tottering towards 2024

17 Nov 2022

Despite the economy ranking as the number one issue for US voters, the expected red wave failed to materialise. Michael Roberts examines the facts and figures

An ageing republic

17 Nov 2022

The Trumpists did badly but Joe Biden is highly vulnerable. Daniel Lazare looks at what passes for democracy in America

Trump’s bubble bursts

10 Nov 2022

The Republicans’ red wave turned into a ripple. With results still coming in, Daniel Lazare gives his assessment of the US midterms and their likely effects

Ukraine and the ‘left’

03 Nov 2022

When on earth will the DSA and ‘the Squad’ come up with a principled position? Daniel Lazare reports on the dismal failings of the US ‘pwogs’

War intensifies at home

27 Oct 2022

Having defied midterm gravity for months, the Democrats are back to self-destruction. Daniel Lazare reports on the latest legal move against Donald Trump

Cold war set to heat up

27 Oct 2022

Michael Roberts expects a turn to self-reliance, urges less reliance on the capitalist sector and calls for democratic planning

More on the way

20 Oct 2022

The military top brass were actively blocking presidential orders. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were cowering from the neo-fascist mob unleashed by the president. Daniel Lazare sees a constitutional order in an advanced state of decay

Journalism? What journalism?

13 Oct 2022

Daniel Lazare looks behind the anti-Russia lies and spin and finds a corporate media that has no interest nor concern for the truth

Beware of concerned neocons

06 Oct 2022

Workers, teachers, students, school students, need solidarity from below, argues Yassamine Mather

Atlanticist post-fascist

06 Oct 2022

Giorgia Meloni will continue to align with the US-Anglosphere. However, argues Maciej Zurowski, the umbilical cord joining her with fascism remains

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