
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Weighing the evidence

06 Oct 2022

After eliminating the improbable, Daniel Lazare points a finger of blame at the probable culprit

The Blob closes in

29 Sep 2022

Trump is a con artist with a transactional approach to the law. However, argues Daniel Lazare, Democrat attempts to prosecute him are political warfare by other means

America’s ‘great game’

22 Sep 2022

With Russia facing humiliation in Ukraine, Daniel Lazare provides his own assessment of US ambitions in the global ‘Heartland’

Measure for measure

15 Sep 2022

Michael Roberts looks at the appalling life expectancy and human development figures in the 21st century

Grand strategy and Ukraine

15 Sep 2022

Pre-emptive wars, sanctions and other measures are being used by the US to prevent even the possibility of a real ‘peer rival’ emerging, argues Mike Macnair. This article is based on his talk given to Communist University in August 2022

Collection of Euclidean axioms

08 Sep 2022

Daniel Lazare welcomes Joe Biden’s Philadelphia speech on the danger posed by Maga Republicans, but the idea that democracy can be won by upholding an antiquated, undemocratic constitution is risible

Nearing an n-deal

01 Sep 2022

Despite Israeli military provocations and strenuous diplomatic objections, a deal on Iran’s nuclear programme is on the cards, writes Yassamine Mather

What’s the matter with Kansas?

11 Aug 2022

While the cheering is understandable, the results of the abortion referendum are still problematic. Daniel Lazare comments on a so-called victory for ‘individual rights’

The prince and the terrorist

04 Aug 2022

Yassamine Mather explores the fabulously rich bin Laden family and the links between the Middle East’s efficient royals and Britain’s dignified royals

Pulling the dragon’s tail

04 Aug 2022

Dan Lazare looks at the dangerous implications of Nancy Pelosi’s provocative trip to Taiwan, and the silence of the congressional left

Gunning for China

04 Aug 2022

Eddie Ford wonders whether the much-heralded Kherson counter-offensive and massive deliveries of western armaments could be a potential game-changer

No support for either side

28 Jul 2022

War crimes investigations and trials are not just a continuation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict by other, legal, means. There is, Yassamine Mather shows, a grisly connection with the Middle East

Coup and collapse

28 Jul 2022

Daniel Lazare looks at the damning made-for-TV congressional hearings on Trump’s coup attempt - and their ultimate futility

Very much in control

28 Jul 2022

The US may be in decline, writes Moshé Machover, but the left is doing little or nothing in the way of strategic thinking

Biden’s Middle East stumble

21 Jul 2022

The president’s tour was an embarrassment for the US establishment from start to finish, writes Daniel Lazare

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