
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Don’t shit where you eat

02 Feb 2017

Theresa May is only one of many people put in an awkward position by Donald Trump’s travel bans, argues Paul Demarty

Economic cold war looms

02 Feb 2017

Theresa May wants to cuddle up to Trump, writes Eddie Ford, but EU leaders are horrified

Getting to grips with Trumpism

02 Feb 2017

Peter Manson reports on the joint meeting of the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists

Taking an independent stand

26 Jan 2017

The election of Donald Trump has torn up the political rulebook - a reality that protestors must confront, argues Jim Grant

Proof of US-inspired terror

26 Jan 2017

Toby Abse reviews: Paolo Bolognesi (ed) Alto tradimento Castelvecchi, Rome, 2016, €18.50

The new president and the new global order

26 Jan 2017

What if Trumpism was made to serve the aims of US capital? Mike Macnair speculates

Trump threatens N-deal

26 Jan 2017

It is time to reboot Hands Off the People of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather

Steele’s very British coup

19 Jan 2017

Whatever the truth of the salacious details, the Trump dossier is a reminder that the state is not politically neutral, argues Jim Grant

After the fall of Aleppo

12 Jan 2017

Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Assad, argues Yassamine Mather, and the myth of the moderate opposition is busted

Capital’s wishful thinking

15 Dec 2016

Sections of the ruling class are now optimistic that Donald Trump will implement pro-business measures. But will they work? Michael Roberts analyses the likely impact of ‘Trumponomics’

An anti-militarist’s moral dilemmas

08 Dec 2016

Despite being employed by an institution responsible for advanced weapons research, writes Chris Knight, Noam Chomsky had a political conscience that refused to lie down

Gestures at top, gestures at bottom

08 Dec 2016

Donald Trump is lurching between conciliation and wild provocations, writes Paul Demarty

An icon, but not a model

01 Dec 2016

Revolutionary, dictator - or both? Paul Demarty remembers Fidel Castro

Revenge of white working class

01 Dec 2016

Trump’s victory shows that the establishment has lost control over the election process. Jim Creegan draws up a balance sheet of the class forces

New era taking shape

24 Nov 2016

Donald Trump’s early cabinet nominations are in line with his conspiratorial rightism. Paul Demarty assesses the reaction

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