
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Not a whitewash

14 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the Chilcot report and looks at a possible response

State department socialists

14 Jul 2016

In the wake of the Chilcot inquiry, Paul Demarty remembers that it was not merely the Blairites who put faith in the benevolence of American power

Two roads to ruin

30 Jun 2016

Republican establishment figures are unsure whether to throw their weight behind Donald Trump or wait for better times. Jim Creegan reports

Orlando, Brexit and the media

23 Jun 2016

What happens when anti-foreigner rhetoric merges with Islamophobia? Yassamine Mather describes what it feels like to be on the receiving end

Claims exposed once and for all

09 Jun 2016

The CIA papers have shattered any lingering illusions in the ‘anti-imperialist’ credentials of the Tehran regime, writes Yassamine Mather

Legacy of the 2003 war

02 Jun 2016

We all know who is responsible for Fallujah, writes Yassamine Mather

One, two, three revolutions

21 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad argues that democracy in the United States is corrupted and far from complete. The working class must finish what 1775 began

Don’t support Clinton

21 Apr 2016

Sanders should build on what has been achieved by standing as an independent, urges Tom Munday

Gun violence and atomisation

10 Dec 2015

It is not only pacifists who have doubts about the right to bear arms, writes Rex Dunn

US imperialism and Israel’s role

11 Jun 2015

The ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’ is central to the US military-industrial complex, observes Moshé Machover

Hegemon in decline

04 Jun 2015

In his speech to the May 30, Hands Off the People of Iran day school, Mike Macnair looked at the inconsistencies of US strategy in the Middle East

Netanyahu’s double gamble

05 Mar 2015

Calling the general election is partially the result of the dissonance between Washington and Jerusalem, writes Moshé Machover

Hypocrisy abounds

29 Jan 2015

Yassamine Mather can hardly believe the sickening tributes being paid to the Saudi tyrant

The masses bear the brunt

27 Nov 2014

Yassamine Mather assesses the latest extension of negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 powers

West's propaganda war

24 Jul 2014

The downing of flight MH17 is being cynically used as an opportunity to step up sanctions against Russia, says Eddie Ford

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