
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Democracy is central

17 Apr 2020

In the wake of Bernie Sanders’ withdrawal, Daniel Lazare responds to recent contributions

Overdrawn lessons

26 Mar 2020

The USA needs socialism, writes Jim Creegan, not a democratic revolution.

The great Bernie bust

12 Mar 2020

It is now all but certain that Joe Biden will be the Democratic candidate, writes Daniel Lazare.

Primary contradictions

06 Mar 2020

Jim Creegan assesses the battle for the Democratic nomination. The left has a real opportunity.

Subordinate to the bourgeoisie

29 Feb 2020

It is true that Sanders is mobilising the working class, writes Daniel Lazare. But for what?

‘Socialist’ frontrunner causes panic

29 Feb 2020

America’s ‘ideologically pure’ presidential candidate actually fights back against the anti-Semitism smears, Paul Demarty reports.

Explosive contradictions

23 Feb 2020

Daniel Lazare looks at America’s primitive constitution, the Sanders surge and asks ... ‘what if’.

Stronger than ever

09 Feb 2020

While it is good that Trump was acquitted, writes Daniel Lazare, the slide into authoritarianism is now set to continue.

America, the robotic

24 Jan 2020

Daniel Lazare examines the role of a reactionary constitution in the battle over Trump’s impeachment.

Russia, Russia, Russia …

12 Dec 2019

The Democrats’ campaign for Trump’s impeachment is a symptom of a sea change, writes Daniel Lazare.

Most dangerous woman in America?

28 Nov 2019

Daniel Lazare considers the role of Fiona Hill in the anti-Trump impeachment campaign.

Where is Boris going?

10 Oct 2019

America is changing, so Britain’s relationship with America must change, Paul Demarty investigates.

Looking for foreign success

05 Sep 2019

Yassamine Mather asks what effect the presidential campaign will have on US relations with the Islamic Republic.

We need a game plan

16 Aug 2019

Protest politics always reach their limits and eventually fizzle out, argues Paul Demarty.

Profits on the fall

02 Aug 2019

The US officially admits its figures for the last three years were wrong. Michael Roberts comments on the revisions.

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