
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Partly off one knee

13 Sep 2012

The Trade Union Congress decision to consider the option of a general strike represents a small step forward, writes Mike Macnair

Honour among thieves

16 Aug 2012

Recent frictions in the Tory-Lib Dem coalition are an object lesson in the cynicism of bourgeois politics, argues Paul Demarty

Behind the ‘spectacular success’

02 Aug 2012

Shawn Carter documents the mistreatment of Critical Mass cyclists, including himself

Diamond in the rough

05 Jul 2012

The latest scandal to hit the banking sector could become truly explosive, writes Paul Demarty

Police commissioners or citizen militias

21 Jun 2012

Jim Moody of Labour Party Marxists contrasts state policing with extreme democracy

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Murdoch bites back

03 May 2012

The News International owner has his moment of revenge on David Cameron writes Paul Demarty - but the establishment is the real victim

How not to fight Tory smears

26 Apr 2012

The tax row between Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson reveals the limits of Labour's individual moralism, argues Eddie Ford

Charities up in alms

19 Apr 2012

George Osborne's tax changes have been criticised for threatening charity in this country - if only, laments Paul Demarty

The creep of the secret state

12 Apr 2012

Paul Demarty takes a look at the latest moves towards greater state monitoring of electronic communication

Pouring oil on stormy waters

05 Apr 2012

The government's supposed 'Thatcher moment' has backfired spectacularly, writes Eddie Ford

Revenge of trickledown economics

29 Mar 2012

George Osborne's budget shows that we are not 'all in it together', writes Eddie Ford

Thin dividing line

29 Mar 2012

The 'cash for access' row has once again exposed the contradictions inherent in capitalism, writes Peter Manson

Moralistic gesture politics

29 Mar 2012

What has David Cameron been drinking? Michael Copestake takes a look

A tale of two states

22 Mar 2012

Harry Paterson compares the treatment meted out to two bloggers for their 'grossly offensive' comments

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