
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

An outline of the evidence that reveals how the International Minority Faction planned to split the League

06 Jul 2006

Workers Power split

06 Jul 2006

As many readers will be aware, Workers Power and its 'oil slick international', the League for the Fifth International, has just expelled one-third of its members. Mark Fischer draws up a balance sheet

Unity and the SSP

22 Jun 2006

Is working class unity helped by a separate Scottish Socialist Party and the strategy for an 'independent socialist Scotland'? The following exchange took place recently on the Socialist Alliance internet discussion list between Bob Goupillot - a member of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland), one of the SSP's smaller platforms - and Jack Conrad. Things kicked off when comrade Goupillot defended the SSP after a posting by Jim Gilbert

No to workers' representation

15 Jun 2006

Lawrence Parker reports from the June 12 AGM of the People's Press Printing Society (the body that owns and produces the Morning Star)

Wanted: principled opposition

15 Jun 2006

There is a joint left opposition emerging in the two German groups, WASG and Linkspartei.PDS, coming together in a new workers' party. But is it prepared to take on the existing leaderships in both organisations? Ben Lewis reports from the June 10 conference in Berlin, 'For an anti-capitalist left'

Obscene apologia

15 Jun 2006

Anybody expecting a debate at the annual conference of the Stop the War Coalition was to be disappointed, writes Anne Mc Shane. The last thing the leadership wants is a challenge to their 'Don't criticise Iran' line

Ever-decreasing circles

08 Jun 2006

The Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain held its biennial congress over the weekend of June 2-4 at its Croydon headquarters. Lawrence Parker reports that behind the diplomatically coded language and show of unity, the factional war between 'traditionalists' and 'innovators' is rumbling on

Martin Smith's 'appeal' fiasco

08 Jun 2006

Comrade Simon was expelled from the Socialist Workers Party in a completely arbitrary manner. He was simply informed by telephone by national organiser Martin Smith: 'You're out of the party'

Wrong 'new layers'

08 Jun 2006

Dave Isaacson reports on the Leeds launch of the Campaign for a new Workers' Party

Fight on two fronts

08 Jun 2006

On the eve of the Stop the War Coalition annual conference on June 10, Mark Fischer spoke to Mehdi Kia of Iran Bulletin/Middle East Forum about the tasks of the anti-war movement in this country. Does our opposition to imperialist threats against Iran mean we must suspend criticism of the monstrous theocratic regime that oppresses the country?

From Star wars to library wars

25 May 2006

Lawrence Parker reports on what looks like a new factional war in the Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain over the Marx Memorial Library

Clear red water and the CNWP

25 May 2006

The first steering committee meeting of the Campaign for a New Workers' Party took place on Saturday May 20, writes Anne Mc Shane. The meeting showed that, much to its dismay, the Socialist Party has only the left groups for company

SAV moves towards WASG split

25 May 2006

Tina Becker reports from the May 20 gathering of the so-called 'left' opposition in the German WASG - which was dominated not by socialist ideas, but conservatism and sectarianism

Searching for ESF positives

18 May 2006

The politics CPGB comrades encountered in the various workshops and seminars at the May 4-7 European Social Forum show that the danger of organisational fragmentation the ESF faces stems from the programmatic crisis of the workers' movement across the continent, says Huw Bynon

Emancipatory socialism and Realpolitik

18 May 2006

Katja Kipping is a Linkspartei.PDS MP and the party's national vice-chair. She spoke to Tina Becker about the difficult merger process with the WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit)

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