
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

Meaningful debate absent

07 Jan 2021

Why are Socialist Workers Party members incapable of making serious contributions? Peter Manson looks at the third and final internal bulletin

Dull echo chamber

03 Dec 2020

Genuine debate is something the central committee has long tried to avoid. The end result is a comatosed membership. Peter Manson reviews the second pre-conference bulletin

Youth section will win

26 Nov 2020

The political battle cleaving the Socialist Party has dramatically intensified. Emil Jacobs reports


19 Nov 2020

Jonah Martell sets out twelve proposals to transform the Democratic Socialists of America

Bureaucratic control-freakery

12 Nov 2020

The leadership of the Socialist Party is determined to enter a coalition with bourgeois parties and gain well rewarded ministerial portfolios for a few tops. Those who oppose this disastrous line are being expelled, but not silenced. Emil Jacobs reports

Going nowhere fast

05 Nov 2020

Peter Manson lifts the lid on mindless activity, an arid internal life and leadership control-freakery

Smugglers and snakeheads

29 Oct 2020

Advocating non-racist immigration controls not only means lining up with national chauvinism, argues Eddie Ford. It is also self-defeating

No end in sight

29 Oct 2020

Will a Biden victory break the far-right wave? Paul Demarty thinks the Covid-19 economic downturn will fuel irrationality

Amplify the voice

22 Oct 2020

Loes Muller reports on the first meeting of the Marxist opposition in the Socialist Party (Netherlands)

Pathetic confusion

24 Sep 2020

SPEW’s approach to Labour combines classic sectarianism with run-of-the-mill reformism, writes Peter Manson

Assessing Adolph Reed

04 Sep 2020

Jim Creegan looks at the thinking of the American left’s foremost anti-identitarian

Unity and organisational principle

13 Aug 2020

Mike Macnair looks at the regroupment call from Socialist Resistance and Mutiny

Arise, Lady Fox

06 Aug 2020

The Revolutionary Communist Party has gone on an odd journey, writes Eddie Ford. After emerging from the SWP, it has travelled from the Red Front to the Brexit Party - and now the House of Lords

Behind the aircraft

04 Jun 2020

The left is in danger of playing a conservative role over Covid-19. Our aim should be to set the agenda, argues Mike Macnair

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