
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Transcending convention

07 May 2020

Neil Davidson: October 9 1957-May 3 2020

Lenin avatars

30 Apr 2020

Mike Macnair looks at the treatment of the 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth in some of the left press

Death of a radical intellectual

20 Mar 2020

Yassamine Mather celebrates a brave and outspoken critic of the Islamic regime.

Socialist Fight’s split

20 Mar 2020

Gerry Downing has dropped his support for Ian Donovan’s anti-Semitic theories about a pan-national Jewish-Zionist bourgeoisie. But, asks Tony Greenstein, what took him so long?

Lessons being learned

12 Mar 2020

Elements of the US left have at last awoken to the possibilities opened up by Bernie Sanders, writes Paul Demarty.

Still in denial

06 Mar 2020

It is all very well for the SWP to condemn Weinstein, writes Paul Demarty, but what about the legacy of its own rape scandal?

Crooked formulations

23 Feb 2020

No human is illegal, says the Morning Star. But, notes Eddie Ford, the paper goes on to argue that not all humans should be legal.

Stalin’s ‘united front’ party

13 Feb 2020

The treacherous role of the Tudeh Party after the 1979 revolution is well known. In the first of two articles, Yassamine Mather shows how the origins of its opportunism were bound up with the diplomatic interests of the Soviet Union.

George’s marvellous medicine

13 Feb 2020

The pro-Brexit Workers Party is a strange amalgam. But asks Paul Demarty, can it make an impact?

Two alternatives

09 Feb 2020

James Marshall discusses the clear choice facing the Sheffield conference of the Labour left.

An exercise in futility

31 Jan 2020

For the leadership of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign it as though the last four years of ‘anti-Semitism’ smears and the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn had not happened. Tony Greenstein reports on the AGM.

Lessons of Corbynism’s defeat

24 Jan 2020

How to overcome the impediments to communist consciousness? Rex Dunn takes issue with Mike Macnair.

Our attitude to Europe

09 Jan 2020

A long-standing member of the Communist Party of Britain has tried to start an open debate using the ‘normal channels’. Though this letter was sent to the CPB, the Morning Star and Communist Review in December 2019, it has neither been printed not even acknowledged

The great moving right show

09 Jan 2020

Characterising the Johnson government as ‘fascist’ provides some sections of the left with the excuse they need to collapse into broad frontism and class collaborationism, Mike Macnair presents his case

Not much to say

19 Dec 2019

Peter Manson is saddened, but not surprised, by the extraordinarily low level of what passes for debate.

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