
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

The 1997 general election and perspectives for Marxism

05 Jun 1997

Below we reprint an edited version of the Socialist Party’s internal discussion document on the political landscape following the general election. We hope this will serve to open up the discussion around the tasks of the left

Opening up the post-election debate

05 Jun 1997

Mark Fischer comments on Socialist Party’s internal discussion document, see ‘The 1997 general election and perspectives for Marxism’

Deserting the field

05 Jun 1997

Around the left

Reality in Scotland missed

05 Jun 1997

Boycotting the republic?

05 Jun 1997

After a debate at the CPGB’s London seminar last Saturday, Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) responds to criticisms

Party time ...

05 Jun 1997

Party notes

Campaign for democracy in the SLP

05 Jun 1997

Simon Harvey calls on all democrats in the SLP to join the struggle for democracy and open debate in the workers’ movement

Fisc snaps up ‘distinctive propaganda’

29 May 1997

Indian Workers Association joins the SLP

Anti-Labour lash-up disintegrates

29 May 1997

The following letter was sent to Fight Racism Fight Imperialism in March. It has not been published, nor replied to. The publishers of FRFI, the Revolutionary Communist Group, appear to have left the IWCA, an essentially anarchistic grouping formed in 1995, of whom little has been heard of since

Programmatic confusion in RDG

29 May 1997

Nothing less than a federal republic

29 May 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) replies to the CPGB call for a Scottish parliament with full powers

SWP’s honeymoon

29 May 1997

Around the left

Killing fields of Iran

29 May 1997

The following is a statement of the Executive Committee of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)

Ex-‘Marxist’ accepts imperialism’s embrace

29 May 1997

Republican advantage

29 May 1997

IRSP response to nationalist electoral gains

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