

‘Have a nice day ...’

Most participants in the Campaign for a Democratic Socialist Labour Party’s conference on June 14 treated the ‘picket’ of the event with the mildly amused contempt it deserved (see main report). Quite rightly in my view, this was one ‘picket line’ comrades were happy to cross.

All but a few, apparently. Four members of the editorial board of the Marxist Bulletin and some softer elements around the CDSLP balked at the sight of opposition to the meeting and scuttled away to a local McDonald’s burger bar.

From there, the ‘McDonaldites’ attempted to generalise their timidity and persuade others to buckle to Scargill’s threats. After a firm intervention however, the one other SLPer they had managed to ensnare took the decision to defy the witch hunters’ threat and attend the meeting. He played an invaluable role.

These comrades must take serious stock of their role in the SLP. Scargill’s witch hunt encompasses all SLP comrades who oppose the so-called constitution and are prepared to do something - anything - about it.

Even those who hide downstairs in fast food restaurants.