
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Socialist Party’s open letter

29 May 1997

Party notes

Open struggle or unhealthy secrecy?

22 May 1997

Hope springs eternal

22 May 1997

Around the left

What sort of crisis?

22 May 1997

Lee-Anne Bates challenges Phil Hearse over the content of the left’s ‘crisis of expectations’

Crisis? What crisis...?

22 May 1997

Party notes

Fight for real democracy

22 May 1997

An unholy alliance has been formed to campaign for Labour’s sop parliament in Scotland

New government, new perspectives

15 May 1997

Phil Hearse, a member of the Socialist Party’s national committee, replies to Jack Conrad in last week’s paper

Left expectant after Labour victory

15 May 1997

Sectarians to the core

15 May 1997

Workers Power talks tough, tells fibs

Zero tolerance misses the point

01 May 1997

Broadcasting the socialist message

01 May 1997

Strategy for the mass

01 May 1997

Bad old habits

01 May 1997

Around the left

Sectarianism weakens election campaign

01 May 1997

Form and content

01 May 1997

Mark Fischer reviews The labour movement and the Internet: the new internationalism by Eric Lee (Pluto Press 1997, pp212)

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