
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

The criticism of comrades

18 Sep 1997

Party notes

Staring into the abyss

18 Sep 1997

Most of the left campaigned with Blair for a ‘yes’ vote in Scotland and Wales - and he is very grateful

Long live the party line!

11 Sep 1997

Around the left

What the papers say

11 Sep 1997

CGSD makes its mark

11 Sep 1997

Scotland’s referendum

Carving out an audience

11 Sep 1997

Party notes

Manchester Socialist Alliance relaunch

04 Sep 1997

‘Scottish Militant Labour and the Socialist Alliance’

04 Sep 1997

Extracts from an internal SML document

Contradictory positions

04 Sep 1997

John Stone of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International opposes the CPGB’s boycott call

Confusion and disarray

04 Sep 1997

Around the left

SML ambiguities

04 Sep 1997

Party notes

Socialist democracy and democratic centralism

28 Aug 1997

We reprint a document of an organised tendency within the Socialist Party involving John Bulaitis, Phil Hearse, Sarah Parker, David Lyons, Paul Morehouse and James White.

Workers of one country, unite!

28 Aug 1997

Around the left

Socialist Worker clings to Labour

28 Aug 1997

New Labour has committed itself to carrying on where the Tories left off. But, as conference prepares to vote in the ‘Partnership in power’ rule changes, the left is strangled by its own Labourism

Once again on SLP federalism

21 Aug 1997

Simon Harvey of the Socialist Labour Party

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