
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

SLP Branch reports

24 Oct 1996

Tony Goss unleashed

24 Oct 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Small victory for democracy

17 Oct 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Political Coventry

17 Oct 1996

Rebuilding in Manchester

17 Oct 1996

SLP branch reports

Dark forces in the east

10 Oct 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Party perspectives

10 Oct 1996

Party notes

Open letter to Patrick Sikorski from SLP member no 1,203

03 Oct 1996

More disturbing details of witch hunting in the SLP have reached the Weekly Worker with this open letter by John Bridge, whose exclusion was reported in Weekly Worker (September 12)

Working class united

03 Oct 1996

Party notes

Blairism creates its opposition

26 Sep 1996

Labour's shift to the right opens up tremendous possibilities for the SLP

Left opposes SLP witch hunt

26 Sep 1996

Press release

Need for organisation

26 Sep 1996

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Jimmy Nolan, one of the leaders of the Liverpool dockers, about his reasons for joining the SLP

Fisc embraces social democracy

19 Sep 1996

Follow my lead

19 Sep 1996

Kenny Craig is a member of the Socialist Labour Party who sits on the executive committee of the Rail Maritime Transport union. Peter Manson spoke to him about last week’s TUC, where he was a delegate

Two cards - why not?

19 Sep 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

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