
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

Class struggle on the tubes

01 Aug 1996

The Socialist Labour Party must use its influence with underground workers to raise the level of the dispute

Wind Power?

25 Jul 1996

Party notes

Smash all immigration controls

18 Jul 1996

Is the SLP policy of “establishing a humane and non-racist immigration system” correct? Alan Fox argues for the smashing of all immigration controls

A tale of two leaflets

18 Jul 1996

SL Kenning looks at the latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Charter for socialist change

18 Jul 1996

Scargill gagged

18 Jul 1996

Dennis McDonald is the North East regional organiser of the Socialist Labour Party. Peter Manson of the Weekly Worker asked him about the SLP’s participation at last weekend’s Durham Miners’ Gala

Class solidarity for tube strikes

18 Jul 1996

No big surprises as Labour shuns striking underground workers

Right wrecks Manchester

11 Jul 1996

Double standards

11 Jul 1996

SLP: News and comment

SLP Unity

11 Jul 1996

Party notes

The party we need

04 Jul 1996

Martin Blum rejects Dave Craig’s call for a Communist-Labour Party

Left SLP trends

04 Jul 1996

We reprint below extracts from a document distributed by West London Socialist Labour Party member Barbara Duke

Manchester witch-hunt

04 Jul 1996

Steve Smethurst has been bureaucratically excluded from membership of the Socialist Labour Party. The chair of his branch preferred to close down an SLP meeting rather than allow the membership to discuss the question. We reprint below the text of his letter to Manchester members

SLP loses youth leader

27 Jun 1996

Last week we explained why we understand, but cannot agree with, Tony Savvas’s decision to quit. This week we publish correspondence relating to it

Sikorski’s letter

27 Jun 1996

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