
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

SSA fudges on Ireland

20 Nov 1997

For a federal republic

20 Nov 1997

Workers need an alternative both to Blair’s new constitutional monarchy and all shades of nationalist separatism

Soberly assess the CGSD

13 Nov 1997

The Scottish Committee of the CPGB put forward a minority position in opposition to the agreed theses

Resounding success

13 Nov 1997

Theses on the results of the September 11 referendum

Sober assessment, yes. Liquidationism, no

13 Nov 1997

There are differences on more than the September 11 referendum

Not our concern?

30 Oct 1997

Around the left

For optimism

23 Oct 1997

Communists must come to a correct assessment of the September 11 referendum in Scotland so as to take the next step forward. There is no room for pessimism, every reason for optimism

Manchester Alliance debates Scotland

16 Oct 1997

Strengthening the theoretical roots of our propaganda

09 Oct 1997

Linda Addison replies to Jack Conrad’s assessment of the CPGB’s campaign around the referendum in Scotland

Party notes

02 Oct 1997

Pre-republican epoch

18 Sep 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) considers what we can learn from the crisis of the social monarchy

For working class independence

11 Sep 1997

Peter Manson replies to criticism of Jack Conrad’s pamphlet, Blair’s rigged referendum and Scotland’s right to self-determination

CGSD makes its mark

11 Sep 1997

Scotland’s referendum

Self-determination for Scotland now!

04 Sep 1997

Only the Campaign for Genuine Self-Determination has voiced the national aspirations of the Scottish people

Republicanism can unite a new left

21 Aug 1997

At Communist University ’97, Dave Craig of the RDG challenged Phil Stott of SML (see Weekly Worker July 31) over its policy on Scottish devolution

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