
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

What kind of republic for Australia?

02 Sep 1999

International campaign to defend Iranian students

15 Jul 1999

Slogans combined

15 Jul 1999

Lessons of Iran

Trotsky versus the left Trotskyists

01 Jul 1999

The RDG and the CPGB have joined forces in defence of revolutionary democracy, argues Dave Craig

Lenin, Kautsky and the Communist Party

10 Jun 1999

Barry Biddulph accuses the CPGB of following the road of bourgeois modernisers

Defence of international socialist revolution

10 Jun 1999

Marxism and democracy

27 May 1999

Phil Sharpe replies to Jack Conrad and Dave Craig

Distortion of democracy

13 May 1999

Dave Craig responds to Tom Delargy’s criticisms (Weekly Worker April 15)

Spontaneous economism and the challenge of revolutionary democracy - part one

13 May 1999

Marxism and the democratic republic

Abolish age of consent

22 Apr 1999

Abolish the second chamber

Unionists, democrats and nationalists

08 Apr 1999

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group restates the case for a federal republic

Republicans debate way forward

21 Jan 1999

Abolish the second chamber

10 Dec 1998

While Blair pushes for a ‘modernised’ House of Lords, the working class must go further and champion the fullest democracy

Lords a-leaping

15 Oct 1998

Prozac elections

24 Sep 1998

As Australia goes to the polls, central questions are ignored

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