
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Better bad unity than bad disunity

28 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad examines the German question in light of the perspectives of the Marx-Engels team

Establishment reaches a deal

28 Apr 2016

The Irish working class needs its own party, writes Anne McShane

Society of abundance

28 Apr 2016

What is our vision of socialism? Hillel Ticktin outlines the basic features

Populism, nationalism and racism

21 Apr 2016

Fred Leplat (ed), 'The far right in Europe', Resistance Books and International Institute for Research and Education, London 2015, pp334, £12

Openness is a weapon

21 Apr 2016

The Weekly Worker’s commitment to open reporting on the affairs of the labour movement is not a fetish, but a political necessity, argues Paul Demarty

One, two, three revolutions

21 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad argues that democracy in the United States is corrupted and far from complete. The working class must finish what 1775 began

Don’t support Clinton

21 Apr 2016

Sanders should build on what has been achieved by standing as an independent, urges Tom Munday

Carry on regardless

14 Apr 2016

SPEW just will not admit it was wrong in its characterisation of Labour, writes Peter Manson

The in-out kabuki dance

14 Apr 2016

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists says a passive boycott is not as good as an active boycott. But it is far better than participating in Stronger in Europe

Drawing lines of distinction

14 Apr 2016

We need to look beyond 2020, urges Paul Demarty

Who are the ‘moderate’ opposition?

07 Apr 2016

Amongst the chaos, new alliances are taking shape, reports Yassamine Mather

Tide turns against Zuma

07 Apr 2016

While the ‘official communists’ are now looking for a change of leadership, writes Peter Manson, they have no intention of championing working class independence

Nationalise Tata

07 Apr 2016

A statement from the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

A bureaucrat’s tool

07 Apr 2016

Imogen Wilson’s predicament is a timely reminder that ‘safe spaces’ policies are anti-democratic and a gift to the right, argues Paul Demarty

Straight-talking left

07 Apr 2016

There is nothing to fear from openly and honestly reporting our meetings, writes Sarah McDonald

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