
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Marx, Lenin and 1917

09 Nov 2017

Was it possible, asks Marc Mulholland, for a bourgeois revolution to end in socialism?

Enough wishful thinking

03 Nov 2017

The left must do better than acting as Puigdemont’s PR department, argues Paul Demarty

Iran, Kurdistan and the left

03 Nov 2017

How can we achieve principled communist unity in the Middle East? We spoke to Mohammad Reza Shalgouni, a member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)

Centrepiece of imperial strategy

03 Nov 2017

On the centenary of the Balfour declaration, Tony Greenstein looks at the reasons underlying British support for Zionism

The character of the Russian Revolution

03 Nov 2017

This article by Lev Trotsky was first published in August 1917 as part 5 of his pamphlet What next?

Supplement: Trotsky 1917 vs Trotsky 1924

02 Nov 2017

Did the Bolsheviks believe the Russian Revolution to be ‘bourgeois-democratic’ or ‘socialist’? asks Lars T Lih in part 6 of his series, ‘All power to the soviets!’

Disintegrating alliance

02 Nov 2017

The SACP is calling for a ‘reconfigured alliance’ with the ANC in a desperate attempt to stave off the pressure from below, writes Peter Manson

Supplement: The Bolsheviks & socialist revolution

26 Oct 2017

Did Lenin’s April theses amount to ‘rearming the party’? Paul Le Blanc argues that the contributions of Lars T Lih and Eric Blanc do not tell the whole story

Pisapia’s soap opera

19 Oct 2017

Thankfully the attempt by the former mayor of Milan to pull fragments to the left of the PD back into the fold has ended in failure, writes Toby Abse

Party’s Sunday best

19 Oct 2017

The Sunday Worker reached a circulation of 100,000. And, far from shunning argument, it encouraged different leftwing viewpoints, says Lawrence Parker

First Corbyn, then us

19 Oct 2017

As the first Pre-conference bulletin shows, Labour presents a huge dilemma for the SWP. Peter Manson wonders if it has any answers

Reinstate Moshé

19 Oct 2017

This petition, organised by Jewish Voice for Labour, has been signed by hundreds of Labour Party members, Jewish and non-Jewish

Triumph of ‘revolutionary parliamentarism’

12 Oct 2017

Elections - as a means, not an end - were central to Lenin’s strategic thinking, argued August Nimtz in his concluding talk at the CPGB’s Communist University1

Transform the Labour Party

12 Oct 2017

The steering committee of Labour Party Marxists has agreed this 13-point platform, which will provide the basis for its submission to the Labour Party democracy commission

Labour’s ‘flexible’ rules

12 Oct 2017

If being a supporter of LPM is incompatible with Labour’s ‘aims and principles’, asks Carla Roberts, where does that leave all the other political organisations inside the party?

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