Party & Programme
End the cycle of splits
24 May 2012
If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly
Towards Rapprochement
14 Dec 1995
The RDG recently held a membership aggregate. A packed agenda meant there was insufficient time for a full discussion on rapprochement. The RDG has therefore decided to reconvene in January to deal with this important issue. Below we reproduce the speech our national organiser, Mark Fischer, would have made to this meeting
The RDG’s draft minimum programme
14 Dec 1995
The CPGB rapprochement process has brought a number of groups from different traditions into its orbit. The Revolutionary Democratic Group has been particularly energetic in pursuing joint work and debating a number of programmatic questions, both in meetings and in the paper. We reprint its minimum programme and its ‘Where we stand’ column, which appears in the RDG’s bulletin, Workers Republic. We hope this will inform readers of areas of agreement and disagreement and take discussions on programme forward
Scottish socialists reject bureaucratic constitution
14 Dec 1995
Splitting the left from Labour
14 Dec 1995
The debate over Scargill’s call for an SLP was raging in Scotland long before this weekend’s meeting. Nick Clarke from the CPGB in Scotland here replies to John Foster of the CPB and Alan McCombes of SML, writing in the Glasgow Herald with edited versions reproduced here
Socialist Labour Party Constitution and Rule Book 1996
14 Dec 1995
Below we reprint Arthur Scargill’s detailed proposals for a Socialist Labour Party distributed at an unpublicised meeting on Sunday December 10
Historic opportunity demands widest possible debate
14 Dec 1995
Communist Unity Committee
14 Dec 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, December 16 1920
Two factions
14 Dec 1995
Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee
Spread the French disease: Fight benefit cuts
14 Dec 1995
Pilot schemes for Job Seekers Allowance begin in January. Job centre workers are linking their fight against attacks on pay to a fight against JSA. The Labour Party promises worse cuts and workfare to boot. So how can the mounting attack on pay and services be resisted?
Twenty-first anniversary of the founding of the IRSP
07 Dec 1995
Statement by the Ard Comhairle of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Debate continues after aggregate
07 Dec 1995
CPGB aggregate meeting passes Perspectives for 1996
Sectarian vanguardism wins the day
07 Dec 1995
Bob Smith - For a permanent Party polemic committee
Solidarity with Poder Obrero
07 Dec 1995
Bolivia’s Gerry Healy
07 Dec 1995
Competing revolutionary theories
07 Dec 1995
The CPGB organised a special meeting last Sunday to discuss the recent splits in the League for a Revolutionary Communist International, which is led by the Workers Power group in Britain. The issues that have precipitated these splits are of vital importance to the entire revolutionary movement and thus should be debated openly. The main speaker was José Villa, a leading member of the LRCI’s Bolivian section, Poder Obrero. Danny Hammill reports