Party & Programme
End the cycle of splits
24 May 2012
If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly
Solidarity with Poder Obrero
07 Dec 1995
Bolivia’s Gerry Healy
07 Dec 1995
Competing revolutionary theories
07 Dec 1995
The CPGB organised a special meeting last Sunday to discuss the recent splits in the League for a Revolutionary Communist International, which is led by the Workers Power group in Britain. The issues that have precipitated these splits are of vital importance to the entire revolutionary movement and thus should be debated openly. The main speaker was José Villa, a leading member of the LRCI’s Bolivian section, Poder Obrero. Danny Hammill reports
IWCA confusion
07 Dec 1995
Putting socialist vision back on the agenda
07 Dec 1995
Militant Labour and Scottish Militant Labour, like ourselves, have thrown themselves into discussion around a Socialist Labour Party. Nick Clarke spoke to Tommy Sheridan of SML about the possibilities of such an organisation
A leftwing programme for the ILP
07 Dec 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, December 9, 1920
Workers in France show the way
07 Dec 1995
160,000 marched in Paris this week and more workers looked set to join the strikes this Thursday
Failed approach
30 Nov 1995
Dave Hulme reviews 'Socialists in the trade unions' by Alex Callinicos (Bookmarks, pp79)
Against repression in Argentina
30 Nov 1995
Bosnian carve up
30 Nov 1995
International polemical journal Call for sponsors
30 Nov 1995
Issued at the Convention by Armani Arani for the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar) and John Bridge for the Communist Party of Great Britain (PCC), at the Convention
Opportunity lost
30 Nov 1995
John Bridge reports on the Calcutta convention
Left gives SLP initiative the cold shoulder
30 Nov 1995
Lenin on communist tactics in Britain
30 Nov 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, December 2 1920
The equivocator
30 Nov 1995
Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee