
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

All together for the fight!

18 Apr 1996

From 'The Workers’ Weekly', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, April 23 1926

Socialist Worker contradictions

18 Apr 1996

Communist press

Chasing shadows

18 Apr 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Brent Unison’s struggle

18 Apr 1996

SLP constitution in limbo

18 Apr 1996

SLP candidates on May 2

18 Apr 1996

Left and right in Manchester

18 Apr 1996

Organised chaos

18 Apr 1996

Party notes

The struggle for socialism: Reform or revolution?

18 Apr 1996

Lee-Anne Bates reports on discussions developing within the Socialist Labour Party

From alliance to Party

18 Apr 1996

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part III

11 Apr 1996

From war to aborted general strike

The Fourth International Supporters Caucus

11 Apr 1996

The Fisc operates as a secret faction inside the SLP. We defend their right to do so, but oppose their hypocritical witch-hunting of others. Below we reprint a large portion of the Fisc report to a recent meeting of the international Trotskyist grouping USFI

Party deficit in Iran

11 Apr 1996

Gerry Downing of Socialist Outlook debates the Iranian revolution following a meeting of the Brent Socialist Forum

Idealist tendencies

11 Apr 1996

Initial comments on the draft programme of the CPGB by Phil Sharpe of the Trotskyist Unity Group

Militant in Ireland

11 Apr 1996

Ian Mahoney reviews 'Troubled Times - the national question in Ireland' by Peter Hadden (Herald Books, pp159, £5.99)

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