
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Political fightback

30 Jul 1998

There is no future for the Socialist Alliances in tailing spontaneity

One-sided analysis

30 Jul 1998

Steve Riley of Manchester CPGB takes issue with Jack Conrad on the Soviet Union

CPGB shitespeak

30 Jul 1998

Mark Osborn of the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty replies to Don Preston’s criticisms (Weekly Worker July 16)

Trapped in the past

30 Jul 1998

Around the left

SWP in practice

30 Jul 1998

Trotskyite economism or revolutionary democracy?

30 Jul 1998

Jack Conrad (CPGB) and Dave Craig (RDG, faction of the SWP) reply to Ian Donovan, editor of Revolution and Truth

Taking sides

30 Jul 1998

Party notes

Failed revolutions

23 Jul 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the CPGB debate on ‘the transitional programme’, opened by a speaker from the International Bolshevik Tendency

CPGB paranoia?

23 Jul 1998

The following newsletter of the ‘Campaigning Alliances Bulletin’ has been circulated by comrade Nick Long, convenor of Lewisham SA and a member of the Socialist Democracy Group. It is advertised as “a newsletter of those committed to building real Socialist Alliances”

Fundamentally flawed

23 Jul 1998

Ian Donovan, editor of 'Revolution and truth', elaborates his criticisms of the Revolutionary Democratic Communist Tendency platform

For or against liquidationism

23 Jul 1998

Two recent resignations from the CPGB underline the nature of the political period. These letters of personal justification written in April are printed below with a reply from Mark Fischer which draws out some political lessons

Scabbing on the struggle

23 Jul 1998

Around the left

The Russian Revolution must live!

23 Jul 1998

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, July 25 1918

Lenin’s heir

16 Jul 1998

Supporters of the Marxist Bulletin and the International Bolshevik Tendency reply to Mark Fischer’s ‘Frozen in dogma’

Frozen in dogma

16 Jul 1998

Notes by Mark Fischer in consultation with PCC members

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