
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Can the Revolutionary Communist Network go forward?

22 Mar 2001

SSP retreats before drugs onslaught

22 Mar 2001

SA roundup

22 Mar 2001

Haringey Ex-SLP members support SA

Workers Power and the SA

22 Mar 2001

Welcome shift

What kind of paper?

22 Mar 2001

From Iskra to Pravda

International Socialist Tendency

15 Mar 2001

Breaking off links The Socialist Workers Party has finally broken off links with the US International Socialist Organization. The ISO Steering Committee has circulated this document to all affiliates to the SWP's 'international', the International Socialist Tendency. It demonstrates that the attempt to build a bureaucratic international of like-minded sects will inevitably produce one split after another - since differences are always regarded as a problem, not an opportunity for mutual enlightenment

Minimum wage

15 Mar 2001

Calculated insult

SSP-SWP talks

15 Mar 2001

Moving closer

Socialist Alliance roundup

15 Mar 2001

Cambridgeshire Fish on a bike

SWP and Socialist Alliance

15 Mar 2001

Auto-Labourism lives on

Sect primitivism and a Socialist Alliance party

15 Mar 2001

Inevitably the main underlying theme of the Socialist Alliance's March 10 conference concerned the period after the general election. Each and every debate at Birmingham was haunted by its attendant ghost of things to come.

New step to unity

15 Mar 2001

SA roundup

08 Mar 2001

Socialist Alliance press launch Challenging Labour

Fight for what we need

08 Mar 2001

How should the Socialist Alliance determine the level of the minimum wage it proposes? Not by meekly tailing the 'European decency level', argues Tom May

Legacy of a pioneer French communist

08 Mar 2001

Revolutionary History Vol. 7, No4, Socialist Platform Ltd, BCM Box 7646, London WC1N 3XX, 2000, pp252, £6.95

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