
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

US workers: end of isolation

11 May 2006

View from the US left by Martin Schreader

Against war, for workers' rights

04 May 2006

Yassamine Mather reports on Iranian workers taking to the streets on May Day

What we need

04 May 2006

For the first time in many years there was actually some kind of showing from the trade unions on the London May Day march. Alan Fox reports

Minimal wage

04 May 2006

The WASG and the L.PDS have launched a campaign for a legal minimum wage in Germany - but €8 an hour is not enough

Ben Lewis

04 May 2006

CPGB comrade Ben Lewis stood as a candidate in the elections for the six vacant posts on the WASG national executive

Tactics and principle

04 May 2006

Tina Becker spoke to Sascha Stanicic, spokesperson of the Socialist Party's sister organisation in Germany, Sozialistische Alternative (SAV), about the thorny question of Berlin and the opposition in the WASG

German CWI blocs with right

04 May 2006

It became clear over the weekend that Sozialistische Alternative (SAV), the German section of the Socialist Party's Committee for a Workers' International, has manoeuvred itself into an untenable position over Berlin

Berlin haunts proceedings

04 May 2006

Tina Becker and Ben Lewis report from the April 29-30 conference of the Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit (WASG) in Ludwigshafen. Intended to smooth the way for unity with the Linkspartei.PDS, it was marked by discontent, threats and the profound disorientation of the left opposition

Populism at large

27 Apr 2006

The April 25 Tower Hamlets hustings for local election candidates, organised by the Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), was a highly charged affair. Huw Bynon reports

Communist strategy and the party form

27 Apr 2006

Mike Macnair examines the Leninist 'party of a new type' and disentangles its advantages and shortcomings from the necessity of splitting from the Second International

Revolution at the roof of the world

27 Apr 2006

Communists and democrats throughout the world have been inspired by the determined struggles of the masses in Nepal, writes Eddie Ford

ESF Athens, May 4-7 2006 :: Dangers of disintegration

27 Apr 2006

The European Social Forum is in real danger. All democrats and communists must work hard to prevent the whole thing simply falling apart. Despite our many criticisms, the ESF is currently the only real vehicle that exists for the cooperation of the European left, says Tina Becker

Vote Socialist Party, but...

27 Apr 2006

Despite the chasm between its revolutionist theory and reformist practice, Ian Mahoney calls for a critical vote for the SP in the May 4 local elections in England and Wales

Difficult birth pangs

20 Apr 2006

April 29-30 will see conferences of WASG and the Linkspartei.PDS. Both are crucial for the working class in Germany. The formation of a fused party will be at the core of proceedings. Ben Lewis reports from Germany

War and revolutionary strategy

20 Apr 2006

Mike Macnair puts the record straight on Lenin's call for defeatism and insists on the necessity of the left taking the democratic question of arms seriously

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