
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Stop treating the working class like sheep

07 Apr 2011

General strikes are a tactic, not a strategy. Michael Copestake attends a local meeting of the SWP

Serwotka gives a lead - TUC must follow

07 Apr 2011

The TUC has had leadership of the anti-cuts movement thrust upon it, writes Peter Manson. But the left must look to the long term

Making plans

07 Apr 2011

Communist Students convened in Manchester for its annual conference on April 2. Greg Compton reports

Arm the movement with Marxist politics

31 Mar 2011

James Turley reports on a good day in the fight to build resistance to the coalition's austerity

You are useful idiots

31 Mar 2011

The imperialist assault on Libya has rallied many on the liberal and socialist left in its defence. James Turley argues that this makes an anti-imperialist perspective even more urgently necessary

No defence of Benghazi

31 Mar 2011

Gerry Downing of 'Socialist Fight' believes the anti-Gaddafi rebellion is totally reactionary

Unity across the Arab world

31 Mar 2011

The Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt are a group that adheres to the same tradition as our Socialist Workers Party. Peter Manson asked Mohammad Hamama, a prominent RS member, about the prospects for the working class movement in Egypt and beyond

Taking on redder hues?

31 Mar 2011

Eddie Ford argues that Ed Miliband is shuffling to the left as the resistance to the Tory-Lib Dem cuts takes mass form

Beyond disunity

24 Mar 2011

In seeking to prop up their crisis-ridden system, the capitalist class is united around cuts, cuts and more cuts. If we are to fight back and win, our class must also unite, argues Ben Lewis

Now the left has TDs

24 Mar 2011

Anne Mc Shane urges principled unity in a new party

There is an alternative

24 Mar 2011

But only if we aim for working class rule across Europe, says Mike Macnair

Cracks in state apparatus

17 Mar 2011

We have to face the full social role of the police squarely, writes James Turley

Release the six

17 Mar 2011

Peter Manson calls for solidarity with Zimbabwean comrades

Capitalism with Chinese characteristics

17 Mar 2011

Ben Lewis wonders why some still consider China a model for socialist development

Just the start

17 Mar 2011

Dave Isaacson witnessed an overwhelmingly positive public response in Northampton

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